Ernestas Zasinas
(Vilnius University)
12/2/15, 11:20 AM
We report about the progress of study of the model of vacancy-interstitial defect cluster presented earlier at 26th Cern RD50 workshop. According to this model the defect cluster is realized as a confined inclusion of disordered vacancy and interstitial defects where the subregion of interstitials is shifed from the subregion of vacancies along the trajectory of incident high energy particle....
Elena Donegani
(University of Hamburg)
12/2/15, 11:40 AM
Standard (20 min including discussion)
Future HEP experiments will have to face neutron equivalent fluences up to 2$\cdot$10$^{16}$ neq/cm$^{2}$ and an ionizing dose in the order of a few MGy. Thin n+p Si sensors are potential candidates for coping with such radiation environment, but more experimental data are essential in order to: firstly, get a deeper understanding of the properties of hadron induced defects, and secondly...
Juozas Vaitkus
(Vilnius University)
12/2/15, 12:00 PM
Standard (20 min including discussion)
The measurement of thermally stimulated current was performed in the irradiated silicon pad detectors excited by light and by forward current. The TSC measurement was performed in the reverse bias regime. The differences in the spectrum are explained by a contribution of the non-equilibrium holes on the modulation of the microinhomogeneities related to the clusters and recombination in the...
Pawel Kaminski
(Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, 133 Wolczynska St., 01-919 Warszawa, Poland)
12/2/15, 12:20 PM
Standard (20 min including discussion)
High-resolution photoinduced transient spectroscopy (HRPITS), infrared absorption (FTIR)
and photoluminescence (PL) measurements have been applied to determining the properties and concentrations of radiation defect centers formed in high-purity FZ silicon due to the irradiation with 23-MeV protons. The selected four proton fluences were equivalent to 1E14, 5E14, 1E15, and 5E15 cm^-2 of...
Eugenijus Gaubas
(Vilnius university)
12/2/15, 12:40 PM
Standard (20 min including discussion)
Results on research of fluence dependent carrier lifetime variations in pion irradiated and annealed Si will be reported. Profiles of carrier lifetime lateral variation in the as–irradiated p- and n-Si wafer fragments are to be illustrated. The obtained carrier lifetime variations are discussed.