Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

25–29 Jul 2016
University of Bergen
Europe/Zurich timezone

Boosted Dark Matter at Neutrino Experiments

28 Jul 2016, 15:45
Egget auditorium in the UiB Student Center (University of Bergen)

Egget auditorium in the UiB Student Center

University of Bergen

Parkveien 1, 5007 Bergen, Norway
Contributed talk Indirect Dark Matter Detection Indirect Dark Matter Detection


Lina Necib (MIT)


In this talk, I present a new class of dark matter models in which decays/annihilations in the present universe produce a highly boosted dark matter component. This `` boosted dark matter" can interact with the standard model via electron scattering and produce signals at neutrino experiments, which resemble those from atmospheric neutrinos. I will carefully study a simple realization of such a model, and show the reach of Cherenkov experiments in the viable parameter space. I will then discuss how liquid argon detectors can be used to improve these bounds, and perform a more general analysis of boosted dark matter scenarios.

Based on (arXiv number) 1405.7370 as well as upcoming work

Primary author


Janet Conrad (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Jarrett Moon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Jesse Thaler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Kaustubh Agashe (University of Maryland) Yanou Cui (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)

Presentation materials