Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

7–10 Jun 2016
Groningen, Netherlands
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

In-situ absolute calibration of electric-field amplitude measurements with the radio detector stations of the Pierre Auger Observatory

8 Jun 2016, 09:50
Groningen, Netherlands

Groningen, Netherlands

Hampshire Plaza Hotel


Florian Briechle (RWTH Aachen University)


With the Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) located at the Pierre
Auger Observatory, radio emission of extensive air showers is observed.
To exploit the physics potential of AERA, electric-field amplitude measurements with the radio detector stations need to be well-calibrated on an absolute level. A convenient tool for far-field calibration campaigns is a flying drone. Here we make use of an octocopter to place a calibrated
source at freely chosen positions above the radio detector array which allows different types of calibrations to be performed. Special emphasis is put on the
reconstruction of the octocopter position and its accuracy during the

The directional antenna response pattern of the radio detector stations
was measured in a recent calibration campaign. Results of these measurements are presented and compared to simulations. It is found that measurements and simulations are in agreement except for small frequencies and small zenith angles.

Primary author

Florian Briechle (RWTH Aachen University)

Presentation materials