The Pierre Auger Observatory: challenge of ultra high energetic cosmic rays

1 Jun 2016, 17:50
Room I

Room I


Julian Rautenberg (Univ. Wuppertal)


The high statistics precision data collected since 2004 with the world largest cosmic-ray observatory brought knowledge on many interesting astroparticle questions. For example, the suppression of cosmic rays with energies above 5*10^19 eV has been confirmed with high significance.
The question of direct detection of astrophysical sources is closely related to the nature of the primary cosmic rays. It cannot be expected for heavy primaries to point back to their source due to the larger deflection in (inter-) galactic magnetic fields. On the other hand the primary is best determined by the measurement using the uptime-limited fluorescence telescopes. The challenge is to extend the Surface Detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory to allow a primary identification event-by-event to detect sources using the light primary component.

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