Enabling Electroweak Baryogenesis trough Dark Matter

31 May 2016, 16:50
Room IV

Room IV


Marek Lewicki (University of Warsaw (PL))


I will discuss the impact of a swifter cosmological expansion induced by modified cosmological
history of the universe on scenarios realising electroweak baryogenesis. I will also
detail the experimental bounds that one can place on such models. The modifications can
be sizeable if the expansion rate of the Universe increases by several orders of magnitude.
I will focus on the Standard Model supplemented by a dimension six operator directly
modifying the Higgs boson potential and show that due to the modified cosmological history,
electroweak baryogenesis can be realized, while keeping deviations of the triple Higgs
coupling below HL-LHC sensitivies.


Marek Lewicki (University of Warsaw (PL))

Presentation materials