The Mu2e experiment will search for Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (CLFV) looking at the conversion of a muon into an electron in the field of an aluminum nucleus. About 7 · 1017 muons, provided by a dedicated muon beam line in con- struction at the Fermi National Accelarator Laboratory (Fermilab), will be stopped in 3 years in the Aluminum target. The corresponding single event sensitivity will be 2.5 · 10?17.
The Standard Model of particle physics, even extendend to include the finite neutrino masses, predicts the ratio R?e between muon conversions and muon nuclear captures to be ? 10?52 . Several extensions of the Standard Model predict R?e to be in the range of 10?14 ? 10?18 . The current best experimental limit, set by the SINDRUM II experiment is 7 · 10?13 @ 90% CL. The Mu2e experiment plans to improve this experimental limit by four order of magnitude to test many of the possible extensions of the Standard Model. To reach this ambitious goal, the Mu2e experiment is expected to use an intense pulsed muon beam, and rely on a detector system composed of a straw tube tracker and a calorimeter made of pure CsI crystals.