Neutrinos in neutron star mergers

1 Jun 2016, 17:10
Room I

Room I


Albino Perego (TU-Darmstadt)


Binary neutron star mergers are expected to copiously emit neutrinos of all flavor, with luminosities in excess of $10^{53}$ erg/s. In addition to efficiently releasing gravitational and internal energy, neutrinos are expected to influence the dynamics of the merger remnant, for example triggering the formation of a neutrino-driven wind from the disk accreting on the central object. Together with the dynamic and evaporation ejecta, this wind is expected to have a proper signature in terms of nucleosynthesis outcome and electromagnetic counterpart. Moreover, the annihilation of neutrino- antineutrino pairs above the remnant can deposit an amount of energy comparable to the one required to trigger a short gamma-ray burst.


Albino Perego (TU-Darmstadt)

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