DarkSide experiment: present results of the dark matter search and steps toward the 20 ton LAr detector

31 May 2016, 18:50
Room IV

Room IV


Jelena Maricic (University of Hawaii)


DarkSide-50 is a direct dark matter experiment operating in the underground Laboratori
Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS). DarkSide experiment published the first dark matter
search performed with low radioactivity argon in the DarkSide-50 detector. Results of this
search will be presented along with the physics potential for the future 20 ton detector.
The 20 ton detector is made possible by breakthroughs in Si photomultiplier technology
and a very low radioactivity levels of 39Ar present in argon from underground sources
among other advances.

Primary author

Jelena Maricic (University of Hawaii)

Presentation materials