5–12 Jul 2017
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Higgs effective $\boldsymbol{H\ell_i\ell_j}$ vertex from heavy $\boldsymbol{\nu_R}$ and applications to LFV phenomenology

8 Jul 2017, 11:30
Room Casinò (Palazzo del Casinò)

Room Casinò

Palazzo del Casinò

Parallel Talk Neutrino Physics Neutrino physics


Prof. Maria Jose Herrero (IFT-UAM)


We present a new computation of the Higgs effective vertex $H\ell_i\ell_j$ generated from heavy right handed neutrinos, within the Mass Insertion Approximation and to one-loop level. The simple analytical results found have interesting applications to phenomenology of Lepton Flavour Violation. In particular, we discuss some of these implications for Higgs mediated LFV processes.


Prof. Maria Jose Herrero (IFT-UAM)

Presentation materials