5–12 Jul 2017
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Rates and $CP$ asymmetries of Charmless Two-body Baryonic $B_{u,d,s}$ Decays

Not scheduled
Salone Adriatico (Palazzo del Casinò)

Salone Adriatico

Palazzo del Casinò

Board: FL-17
Poster Presentation Flavour Physics and Fundamental Symmetries Poster session


Chun-Khiang Chua


With the experimental evidences of $\overline B {}^0\to p \overline{p}$ and $B^-\to\Lambda\overline p$ decays, it is now possible to extract both tree and penguin amplitudes of the charmless two-body baryonic $B$ decays for the first time. The extracted penguin-tree ratio agrees with the expectation. Using the topological amplitude approach with the experimental results on $\overline B {}^0\to p \overline{p}$ and $B^-\to\Lambda\bar p$ decay rates as input, predictions on all other $\overline B_q\to {\cal B} \overline {\cal B}$, ${\cal B} \overline {\cal D}$, ${\cal D} \overline {\cal B}$ and ${\cal D} \overline {\cal D}$ decay rates, where ${\mathcal B}$ and ${\cal D}$ are the low lying octet and decuplet baryons, respectively, are given. It is non-trivial that the results do not violate any existing experimental upper limit. From the analysis it is understandable that why $\overline B {}^0\to p \overline{p}$ and $B^-\to\Lambda\bar p$ modes are the first two modes with experimental evidences. Relations on rates are verified using the numerical results. We note that the predicted $B^-\to p\overline{\Delta^{++}}$ rate is close to the experimental bound, which has not been updated in the last ten years. Direct $CP$ asymmetries of all $\overline B_q\to {\cal B} \overline {\cal B}$, ${\cal B} \overline {\cal D}$, ${\cal D} \overline {\cal B}$ and ${\cal D} \overline {\cal D}$ modes are explored. Relations on $CP$ asymmetries are examined using the numerical results. The direct $CP$ asymmetry of $\overline B {}^0\to p \overline{p}$ decay can be as large as $\pm 50\%$. The $CP$ asymmetries of $\Delta S=-1$ pure penguin modes are constrained to be of few $\%$. These modes are expected to be sensitive to New Physics contributions and are good candidates to be added to the list of the tests of the Standard Model.


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