The main scientific goal of the NICA heavy-ion physics program
at JINR will be an experimental investigation of the properties of
nuclear matter under extreme conditions. A comprehensive scan
of the QCD phase diagram in the region of maximum baryon density
will be performed at NICA with ion beam species ranging from protons
to gold nuclei. Systematic measurements of the production of leptons,
hadrons, and light (hyper)nuclei will be conducted covering a wide range
of the event phase-space with the MPD and BM@N experiments in the
collider and fixed-target mode, respectively.
In my talk, an overview of the current status of the NICA project
realization will be given. I'll discuss the main physics cases
at NICA and briefly describe the elements of the detectors.
A theoretical motivation will be accompanied by results
of realistic Monte-Carlo simulation of the proposed experimental