5–12 Jul 2017
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone
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The Baby MIND spectrometer for the J-PARC T59(WAGASCI) experiment

8 Jul 2017, 12:15
Room Amici (Palazzo del Casinò)

Room Amici

Palazzo del Casinò

Parallel Talk Detector R&D and Data Handling Detectors and data handling


Etam Noah Messomo (Geneva University (CH))


The Baby MIND detector under construction at CERN will measure the momentum and charge of muons from neutrino interactions in the WAGASCI neutrino targets. The WAGASCI experiment, referred to as T59 at J-PARC, will measure the ratio of neutrino interaction cross-sections on water and plastic using a three-dimensional grid structure providing large angular acceptance. The Baby MIND consists of 33 steel magnet modules, each approximately 2 tonnes, interleaved with 18 scintillator modules. The novel magnetisation scheme is a significant departure from more classical approaches for magnetised iron neutrino detectors. Due to handling constraints at J-PARC, narrow shaft, each magnet module is individually magnetised. This provides far greater modularity and flexibility in the layout, with greater possibilities to surround other neutrino targets such as water Cherenkov, liquid argon or plastic scintillators.The use of such magnetised iron plates would not usually be considered for muon momenta below 1 GeV/c due to multiple scattering in the steel. By optimising the layout, the Baby MIND can determine the charge of muons with good efficiencies down to 400 MeV/c. Custom readout electronics was developed based on the CITIROC ASIC and has trigger and synchronisation features optimised for operation at J-PARC. This presentation will cover the design and construction of the Baby MIND detector, and measurements of charge identification efficiencies from the latest campaign of beam tests at the CERN PS.

Experimental Collaboration NP05 CERN Neutrino Platform, J-PARC T59 WAGASCI


Etam Noah Messomo (Geneva University (CH))


A Kleymenova (INR RAS (RU)) Alain Blondel (Geneva University (CH)) Alan Bross (Fermilab (US)) Alexander Izmaylov (INR RAS) Alexey Dudarev (CERN) Mr Alexey Khotyantsev (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU)) Mr Andrey Kostin (INR RAS) Anselmo Cervera Villanueva (Univ. of Valencia and CSIC (ES)) Frank Raphael Cadoux (Geneva University (CH)) Dr Marat Khabibullin (Institute for Nuclear Research (RU)) Ms Maria Antonova (Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Science (RU)) Mariyan Bogomilov (Sofia University (BG)) Mr Naruhiro Chikuma (The University of Tokyo) Philippe Benoit (CERN) Dr Ruslan Asfandiyarov (Geneva University (CH)) Ryan Bayes (University of Glasgow) Sergei Fedotov (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU)) Sven-Patrik Hallsjo (University of Glasgow (GB)) Mr Taiichiro Koga (The University of Tokyo (JP)) Tord Johan Carl Ekelof (Uppsala University (SE)) Yannick Favre (Geneva University (CH)) Yordan Ivanov Karadzhov (Geneva University (CH)) Yury Kudenko (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU)) Viktoriia Likhacheva (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU)) Bastien Martinez (Geneva University (CH)) Rosen Matev (Sofia University (BG)) Mariia Medvedeva (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU)) Mr Aleksandr Mefodiev (INR RAS) Prof. Akihiro Minamino (Yokoyama National University) Oleg Mineev (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU)) Mr Laurent Nicola (Geneva University (CH)) Marzio Nessi (CERN) Tatiana Ovsiannikova (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU)) Helder Filipe Pais Da Silva (CERN) Saba Parsa (Geneva University (CH)) Mark Alastair Rayner (Geneva University (CH)) Gabriella Rolando (CERN) Artur Shaikhiev (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU)) Patrik Simion (Uppsala University (SE)) Paul Soler Jermyn (University of Glasgow (GB)) Mr Serget Suvorov (INR RAS) Prof. Roumen Tsenov (University of Sofia (BG)) Herman Ten Kate (CERN) Galina Tsvetanova Vankova-Kirilova (University of Sofia (BG)) Nikolay Yershov (INR RAS (RU))

Presentation materials