12–16 Sept 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

Global-fit constraints in the MSSM and scalar singlet dark matter models with GAMBIT

12 Sept 2016, 15:40
6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin (CERN)

6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin


Show room on map
Oral Contributions Dark matter & colliders Dark Matter & colliders


Dr Benjamin Farmer (Oskar Klein Centre)


As above


GAMBIT is a new public Beyond-the-Standard-Model global fitting code, based on modular design principles, generic calculations, automation, and with a goal of continual expansion to include ever-more models, constraints, and sampling algorithms. In this first round of results from the project we present updates of constraints in several MSSM-based models as well as the scalar singlet dark matter model. Constraints include a variety of dark matter observables (relic density, direct + indirect detection), collider observables (inc. Higgs + SUSY searches for ATLAS, CMS, and LEP), flavour physics (inc. g-2, b->s \gamma, B decays, LHCb likelihoods), and precision electroweak tests (such as W mass, Delta\rho).


Dr Benjamin Farmer (Oskar Klein Centre)

Presentation materials