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15–20 May 2016
EXCO in Daegu, Republic of Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

LYSO based precision timing calorimeters

17 May 2016, 18:00
EXCO in Daegu, Republic of Korea

EXCO in Daegu, Republic of Korea


Adolf Bornheim (California Institute of Technology (US))


In this report we outline the study of the development of calorimeter detectors using bright scintillating crystals. We discuss how timing information with a precision of a few tens of pico seconds and below can significantly improve the reconstruction of the physics events under challenging high pileup conditions to be faced at the High-Luminosity LHC or a future hadron collider. The particular challenge in measuring the time of arrival of a high energy photon lies in the stochastic component of the distance of initial conversion and the size of the electromagnetic shower. We present studies and measurements from test beams for calorimeter based timing measurements to explore the ultimate timing precision achievable for high energy photons of 10 GeV and above. We focus on techniques to measure the timing with a high precision in association with the energy of the photon. We present test-beam studies and results on the timing performance and characterization of the time resolution of LYSO-based calorimeters. We demonstrate time resolution of 30 ps is achievable for a particular design.


Adolf Bornheim (California Institute of Technology (US))


Anatoly Ronzhin (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Artur Apresyan (California Institute of Technology (US)) Cristian Ignacio Pena Herrera (California Institute of Technology (US)) Dustin James Anderson (California Institute of Technology (US)) Jason Trevor (California Institute of Technology (US)) Javier Mauricio Duarte (California Institute of Technology (US)) Maria Spiropulu (California Institute of Technology (US)) Si Xie (California Institute of Technology (US))

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