Calorimeters for future accelerator experiments
- Richard wigmans (Texas Tech)
Calorimeters for future accelerator experiments
- Renyuan Zhu (California Institute of Technology (US))
The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab searches for the charged-lepton flavor violating
neutrino-less conversion of a negative muon into an electron in the field of
a aluminum nucleus. The dynamics of such a process is well
modelled by a two-body decay, resulting in a mono-energetic electron with
an energy slightly below the muon rest mass (104.967 MeV).
If no events are observed in three...
At present new SuperKEKB collider is under commissioning at KEK (Japan) while the Belle II detector for experiments at this collider is at the final stage of the construction. This new experiment will continue and widen the studies began at the previous experiments with the Belle detector. The luminosity of this collider will exceed the previous one by about 40 times, amounting to $8\times...