Challenges for calorimeters
- Jim Brau (University of Oregon (US))
Challenges for calorimeters
- Craig Woody (Brookhaven National Lab)
Ren-Yuan Zhu
(California Institute of Technology)
19/05/2016, 13:30
Future high energy physics experiments at the energy and intensity frontiers will face challenges of a severe radiation environment from both ionization dose and charged and neutral hadrons. This paper reports an investigation on proton induced radiation damage in various crystal scintillators. Large size BGO, CeF3, LYSO and PWO crystals of 15 to 22 cm long were irradiated by 800 MeV protons...
Marco Toliman Lucchini
19/05/2016, 13:50
The harsh radiation environment in which detectors will have to operate during the High Luminosity phase of LHC (HL-LHC) represents a crucial challenge for many calorimeter technologies. In the CMS forward calorimeters, ionizing doses and hadron fluences will reach up to 300 kGy (at a dose rate of 30 Gy/h) and 2x10^{14} cm^{-2}, respectively, at the pseudo-rapidity region of |η|=2.6.
Geng-Yuan Jeng
(University of Maryland (US))
19/05/2016, 14:10
The experiments at the LHC are expected to accumulate up to 300 fb-1 of data before the major upgrades, known as the “phase II” upgrades, are installed. In this talk, we present studies on the longevity of the active materials used in the barrel and endcap hadronic calorimeters. We present results of in situ measurements of the light output as a function of integrated luminosity and...
Silvia Ochesanu
(Crytur spol. s.r.o.)
19/05/2016, 14:30
In last two decades a large number of scintillator materials including inorganic crystals have been studied and optimized and their properties are now well understood. Depending on the application, a material is selected to fulfill the most important properties and eventually its further improvement is considered.
In calorimetric detectors at high luminosity colliders in high energy physics,...
Rainer Willi Novotny
19/05/2016, 14:50
Even at present time there is a strong interest and demand for high quality lead tungstate crystals (PbWO4, PWO) for electromagnetic (EM) calorimetry. PWO is implemented into the EM calorimeter of the CMS-ECAL detector at LHC [1] and required for the completion of the PANDA EMC [2] and various ongoing detector projects at Jefferson Lab. The successful mass production of PWO using the...
Renyuan Zhu
(California Institute of Technology (US))
19/05/2016, 15:10
Because of their superb energy resolution and detection efficiency scintillation crystals are widely used in high energy and nuclear physics experiments. A crucial issue is radiation damage in crystals. We report an investigation on ɣ-ray induced radiation damage in various crystal scintillators of large size, including BaF2, BGO, CeF3, pure CsI, LSO/LYSO/LFS and PWO, with an integrated dose...
Adam Para
19/05/2016, 16:10
I was unable to find out how to include figures here.. I have emailed the abstract to calor2016
Dmitri Kotchetkov
(Ohio University)
19/05/2016, 16:30
Today particle physics experiments conducted at the energy and intensity frontiers demand more and more sophisticated detectors. The scale of the detectors increases, and that translates into ever increasing costs. This naturally affects calorimetry R&D activities which are conducted by larger groups, often within multi-institutional and multi-national collaborations. And usually it takes...
Andriy Boyaryntsev
(Inst. for Scint. Materials of Nat. Acad. of Science of Ukraine)
19/05/2016, 16:50
Composite radiation detector consist of the scintillation particles distributed in optically transparent media. For the best scintillation light registration the fiber or plate readout technique is used. It is found that general light output in such detector can reach 80-85% comparing to single crystalline detector.
For HEP application both radiation hard scintillation powder (like garnets...
Rainer Willi Novotny
19/05/2016, 17:30
In the last decades crystalline inorganic scintillation material has played a dominant role in calorimetry in medium and high energy physics experiments. Future detector developments will have to focus on cheap, fast, and radiation hard materials, especially for application in collider experiments. In order to increase the radiation hardness with respect to hadronic damage systematic studies...
Si Xie
(California Institute of Technology (US))
Future calorimeters and shower maximum detectors at high luminosity colliders need to be highly radiation resistant and very fast. One exciting option for such a detector is a calorimeter composed of a secondary emitter as the active element. In this report we outline the study and development of a secondary emission calorimeter prototype using micro-channel plates (MCP) as the active element,...