17/06/2009, 09:00
17/06/2009, 09:00
Robert Sanderson
(University of Liverpool)
17/06/2009, 13:40
Maarten Hoogerwerf
17/06/2009, 14:05
Tim DiLauro
(John Hopkins Univ.)
17/06/2009, 14:30
John Houghton
17/06/2009, 15:25
Tom Cochrane
(Queensland Univ. of Tech.)
17/06/2009, 15:50
Wouter Spek
(Alliance for Permanent Access)
17/06/2009, 16:15
Andreas Rauber
(University of Vienna)
17/06/2009, 16:40
17/06/2009, 18:30
Morag Greig
(University of Glasgow)
18/06/2009, 09:00
David Hoole
(Nature Publishing Group)
18/06/2009, 09:30
Sophia Ananiadou
(National Centre of Text Mining)
18/06/2009, 10:00
Alexander Lerchl
(Univ. Bremen)
18/06/2009, 10:30
Martin Van Luijt
(Univ. Utrecht)
18/06/2009, 14:00
Peter Burnhill
18/06/2009, 14:35
Travis Brooks
(SLAC Library)
18/06/2009, 15:10
18/06/2009, 16:15
18/06/2009, 16:15
18/06/2009, 16:15
(University of Connecticut)
19/06/2009, 09:00
James Pringle
(Thomson ISI)
19/06/2009, 09:30
Jim Pitman
19/06/2009, 10:00
Johan Bollen
19/06/2009, 11:00
Ulrich Poeschl
19/06/2009, 11:30
Paul Ayris
19/06/2009, 12:00
Björn Mittelsdorf
(Saarland University and State Library)
Open Access publishers and authors - once a minor phenomenon - play a more significant role in scholarly communications nowadays. Having matured the discussion
focuses on new topics: Sustainability, Acceptance, Coverage, Cost-Benefit-Relations, Adoption Speed and many more.
The absence of valid usage reports is a fundamental flaw that complicates the interaction with economically...
The absence of valid usage reports is a fundamental flaw that complicates the interaction with economically...
Mary Robinson
(SHERPA, University of Nottingham)
It can be hard to motivate researchers to spend the necessary time to
fill out forms containing the bibiographic metadata for their papers
in order to submit material to an open access repository. However, most academics can see the need for maintaining a professional personal web page
listing their publications.
The EM-Loader project (http://publicationslist.org/em-loader) reduces the...
Pierre-Yves Burgi
(University of Geneva)
Digital Open Educational Resources we create are assets (full texts, rich media, learning objects, etc.) with values that can persist far into the future. Without ongoing maintenance, these assets will fall into disrepair. The Swiss academic community has so far eluded such OER long-term archival issues. Accumulating digital resources and assigning them persistent identifiers (URN) without...
Maude Frances
(University Library, University of New South Wales)
The Citation Builder application enables the display of dynamic lists of publications on academic webpages, based on data from a Fedora repository. Developed at the University Library, University of New South Wales in 2008, Citation Builder was funded within the ARROW (Australian Research Repositories Online to the World) Project.
Open access Institutional Repositories (IRs) are storing...
Reme Melero
(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC))
DRIVER I project drew up a detailed report of European repositories based on data gathered in a survey in which Spain's participation was very low. Of the 12 institutional repositories registered in the Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR) in the sample period (June 2006 to February 2007), only three responded. This meant that Spain presented a completely false image of the...
Isabelle de Kaenel
(Medical Library, University Hospital - Lausanne), Mr
Pablo Iriarte
(Medical Library, University Hospital - Lausanne)
In Switzerland, institutional repositories (IRs) have largely spread in academic and research organisations, where they provide services to faculty, researchers, and administrators by bringing together and archiving the intellectual output of their institutions.
In many ways, the Swiss IRs are heterogeneous : some are precursors (« Infoscience » at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne),...
Dennis Vierkant
(University of Twente),
Maarten van Bentum
(University of Twente)
The ESCAPE-project aims at extending the existing infrastructure of repositories of scientific publications in such a way that it will be possible to identify, describe, preserve and present aggregations of related objects (documents, videos, datasets, etc.), not necessarily produced by an individual author or group of authors.
To this end a repository for OAI-ORE resource maps will be...
Adam Dudczak
(Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poznan, Poland), Ms
Agnieszka Lewandowska
(Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poznan, Poland)
Since 1999 Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) has been developing the dLibra framework which aims to allow easy creation of distributed digital libraries in Poland (http://dlibra.psnc.pl/). In 2001 this software became a part of the Polish Optical Internet PIONIER programme. In October 2002, the first dLibra-based regional digital library, the Digital Library of the...
Mary Robinson
(SHERPA, University of Nottingham)
NECOBELAC stands for a “Network of Collaboration Between Europe and Latin American Caribbean (LAC) countries”. NECOBELAC is a three year project funded by the EC under 7th Framework Programme and launched in February 2009 (http://www.necobelac.eu).
The central aim of NECOBELAC is to develop a network of collaboration to improve scientific writing and the dissemination, access, retrieval...
Sophia Jones
(University of Nottingham),
Vic Lyte
(Mimas, The University of Manchester)
Researchers are increasingly making their work freely available on the internet, by depositing their research output into institutional repositories. Intute Repository Search (www.intute.ac.uk/irs): is a JISC-funded beta search service which helps the academic community search over 95 UK HEI repositories in one go, thus providing a free and easy access to a wealth of academic, educational...
Martin Luijt, van
(Utrecht University Library),
Saskia Franken
(Utrecht University Library)
Utrecht University Library has developed an open access subject repository for veterinarians: Ivy Academic Search, veterinary Science & Medicine. This mainly open access repository collects data from relevant repositories in this field, using OAI-PHM as the harvest-protocol. The repository does not store publications, it is not intended to be used for self publication and archiving. Ivy...
Gintare Tautkeviciene
(Lithuanian Research Library Consortium, Kaunas University of Technology)
eLABa is an open access national repository in which Lithuanian science and studies e-documents are collected, stored for long period and presented to the users. It is owned by the Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuanian Republic, and managed by Kaunas University of Technology. All Lithuanian science and study institutions have possibility to store the documents of their researchers,...
Maude Frances
(University Library, University of New South Wales)
This poster details the motivations and rationale for the design and implementation of the Membrane Research Environment (MemRE), a component infrastructure project of the Australian national collaborative Advanced Membrane Technologies for Water Treatment Research Cluster. The research cluster brings together a multidisciplinary group of researchers including computational and physical...
Maria Luisa Perez Aliende
(Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
The use of Mets in the University Autonoma of Madrid Institutional Repository.
Inge Van Nieuwerburgh
(University Library Ghent)
Although scientific publications know no national boundaries, it can still be useful to set up a national or subject-specific repository portal to serve local communities’ needs. For example, funding schemes and research assessments are often executed on a national level, or national universities might want to collaborate to boost the country’s international visibility. National repository...
Vanessa Proudman
(Tilburg University Library)
Nereus is an international consortium of academic research libraries with strengths in economics. Nereus has members from over 10 countries, and they include LSE and the universities of Tilburg, Toulouse, and Oxford. Nereus believes that library collaboration in a subject domain using distributed digital library expertise can stimulate repository growth and bring faster and more cost-effective...
Alessio Esposito
(Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - CNR (Naples, Italy))
Semantic interoperability among heterogeneous and autonomous systems is expected to strongly rely on an effective of the ontologies. Where an ontology is an enriched representation of metadata schema so that they could simplify the interpretation process of not aligned vocabulary and conceptual representations. However, and effective deployment of this ontological approach demand for an...
Stian Haklev
(OISE/University of Toronto)
University rankings and league tables, although controversial, always attract much attention from the institutions themselves and those affiliated, as well as other stakeholders. There has been criticism that the Shanghai Jiaotong ARWU ranking and the Times Higher Education Supplement rankings promote a certain vision of the university to the detriment of all others, but they are far from the...
Antonella De Robbio
(University of Padova),
Fernanda Peset
(Polythecnic University of Valencia),
Imma Subirats
(FAO of the United Nations),
Zeno Tajoli
Established in 2003, E-LIS (http://eprints.rclis.org) is an international Open Archive for Library and Information Science (LIS). Over 9,000 papers have been archived to date. It is freely accessible, aligned with the Open Access movement and is a voluntary enterprise. E-LIS has grown to include a team of volunteer editors from 60 countries and support for 22 languages. It accepts published or...