Developments in cryotherapy

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503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


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Agata Stanek (Medical UNiversity of Silesia)


Cryotherapy can be used as local cryotherapy and whole-body cryotherapy. The action of cryogenic temperatures causes in human organism several favorable and physiological reactions such as analgesic effect, neuromuscular effect, anti-inflammatory and antioedematous effect, and circulatory effect. Cryogenic temperatures applied for whole-body apart from aforementioned effects have also significant influence on psyche and endocrine and immune system. The actual indications for cryotherapy include among others: locomotor system diseases (ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatis arthritis, myositis and fibromyositis, degenerative, posttraumatic and overloading lesions of motional system, fibromialgia, osteoporosis), diseases of central nervous system with muscular hypertension, disseminated sclerosis, radicular syndromes, diseases of peripheral nervous system, depressive syndromes and vegetative neurosis, as well as vital resustitution, assistance of endurance and force training and acceleration of postexertion resustitution in active sportsmen.

Primary author

Agata Stanek (Medical UNiversity of Silesia)

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