Power, grounding and shielding
- Magnus Hansen (CERN)
A Serial Powering Stave Prototype has been developed using FE-I4 Quad Pixel Modules in order to investigate a Serial Powering scheme for ATLAS ITk Phase II Pixel upgrade.
The talk will explain the need for a new powering scheme which is different from the currently used parallel (direct) powering in order to power detector modules for the ATLAS ITk Phase II Pixel upgrade. The Serial...
A new vertical JFET technology, based on a 3D trenched design, has been developed at the IMB-CNM. Conceptually introduced in TWEPP 2015, these transistors are conceived to work as radhard switches in the HV powering scheme of the ATLAS ITk strip detectors. The first fabricated wafers have been fully characterized and the results are presented here. Device performance is very close to...