TWEPP 2016 - Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics

from Monday 26 September 2016 (09:00) to Friday 30 September 2016 (19:00)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
26 Sept 2016
27 Sept 2016
28 Sept 2016
29 Sept 2016
30 Sept 2016
Tutorial - Matthias (KIT) Balzer (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)) (until 12:30) (Redtenbacher lecture hall (Building 10.91))
09:00 MTCA.4 Basics - Introduction in xTCA - Rüdiger Coelln (Pentair)   (Redtenbacher lecture hall (Building 10.91))
09:45 MTCA.4 Tutorial and Life Demo - Heiko Körte (N.A.T.) Vollrath Dirksen (N.A.T.)   (Redtenbacher lecture hall (Building 10.91))
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 PCIe and PCIe Hot Swap under Linux in MTCA systems - Ludwig Petrosyan   (Redtenbacher lecture hall (Building 10.91))
11:45 High Performance Measurement Application in MTCA.4 - Frank Ludwig (DESY)   (Redtenbacher lecture hall (Building 10.91))
Invited Talk - Marc (KIT) Weber (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)) (until 09:45) (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
09:00 MEMS Sensors: Enabler for the IoT - Udo-Martin Gomez (Bosch Sensortec GmbH)   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
ASIC - Christophe De La Taille (OMEGA (FR)) (until 10:40) (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
09:50 Development of the ABCStar front-end chip for the ATLAS Silicon Strip Upgrade - Weiguo Lu (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
10:15 SALT Readout ASIC for Upstream Tracker in the Upgraded LHCb Experiment - Krzysztof Piotr Swientek (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
Programmable Logic, design tools and methods - Magnus Hansen (CERN) (until 10:40) (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
09:50 Using MaxCompiler for High Level Synthesis of Trigger Algorithms - Sioni Paris Summers (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
10:15 Software and Firmware co-development using High-level Synthesis - Nikhil Pratap Ghanathe (University of Florida (US))   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
10:40 --- Coffee Break ---
ASIC - Christophe De La Taille (OMEGA (FR)) (until 12:25) (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
11:10 First results of the front-end ASIC for the strip detector of the PANDA MVD - Tommaso Quagli (Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen (DE))   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
11:35 A Prototype of a New Generation Readout ASIC in 65nm CMOS for Pixel Detectors at HL-LHC - Andrea Paterno (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
12:00 A synchronous analog very front-end in 65nm CMOS with local fast ToT encoding for pixel detectors at HL-LHC - Ennio Monteil (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
Power, grounding and shielding - Magnus Hansen (CERN) (until 12:25) (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
11:10 Serial Powering Pixel Stave Prototype for the ATLAS ITk upgrade - Viacheslav Filimonov (Universitaet Bonn (DE))   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
11:35 Fabrication of the first 3D Vertical JFET at the IMB-CNM - Dr Pablo Fernández-Martínez (IMB-CNM, CSIC)   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
Invited Talk - Marcus Julian French (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)) (until 09:45) (Tulla Lecture Hall - Build 11.40)
09:00 CMOS Image Sensors in Harsh Radiation Environments - Vincent Goiffon (ISAE-SUPAERO, Univ Toulouse)   (Tulla Lecture Hall - Build 11.40)
ASIC - Marcus Julian French (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)) (until 10:40) (Tulla Lecture Hall - Build 11.40)
09:50 SAMPA Chip: the New ASIC for the ALICE TPC and MCH Upgrades - Marco Bregant (Universidade de Sao Paulo (BR))   (Tulla Lecture Hall - Build 11.40)
10:15 SKIROC2_CMS : an ASIC for testing CMS HGCAL - Christophe De La Taille (OMEGA (FR))   (Tulla Lecture Hall - Build 11.40)
Systems, Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience - Geoff Hall (Imperial College (GB)) (until 10:40) (Redtenbacher lecture hall, Build 10.91 )
09:50 The upgrade of the CMS hadron calorimeter with silicon photomultipliers - Nadja Strobbe (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Redtenbacher lecture hall, Build 10.91 )
10:15 Data Acquisition System for the CALICE AHCAL Calorimeter - Jiri Kvasnicka (Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))   (Redtenbacher lecture hall, Build 10.91 )
10:40 --- Coffee Break ---
ASIC - Marcus Julian French (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB)) (until 12:25) (Tulla Lecture Hall - Build 11.40)
11:10 HARDROC3, a 3rd generation ASIC with zero suppress for ILC Semi Digital Hadronic Calorimeter - Stephane CALLIER (OMEGA - Ecole Polytechnique - CNRS/IN2P3)   (Tulla Lecture Hall - Build 11.40)
11:35 PETIROC2A, a 32-channel 20 GHz GBW readout ASIC for accurate time resolution and precise charge measurements - Christophe De La Taille (OMEGA - Ecole Polytechnique - CNRS/IN2P3)   (Tulla Lecture Hall - Build 11.40)
12:00 First experimental results with TOFPET2 ASIC - Agostino Di Francesco (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Part)   (Tulla Lecture Hall - Build 11.40)
Systems, Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience - Geoff Hall (Imperial College (GB)) (until 12:25) (Redtenbacher lecture hall, Build 10.91 )
11:10 The SoLid anti-neutrino detector's read-out system - David Cussans (University of Bristol (GB))   (Redtenbacher lecture hall, Build 10.91 )
11:35 Prototypes and tests of the LHCb Scintillating Fiber detector front end electronics. - Wilco Vink (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))   (Redtenbacher lecture hall, Build 10.91 )
12:00 A micro-TCA based data acquisition system for the triple-GEM detectors for the upgrade of the CMS forward muon spectrometer - Thomas Lenzi (Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE))   (Redtenbacher lecture hall, Build 10.91 )
Invited Talk - Jean-Pierre Cachemiche (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 09:45) (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
09:00 Radiation hard High-Speed Optical Links for HEP - Paulo Rodrigues Simoes Moreira (CERN)   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
ASIC - Jean-Pierre Cachemiche (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 10:15) (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
09:50 A 1.2 Gb/s Data Transmission Unit in CMOS 0.18 $\mu m$ technology for the ALICE Inner Tracking System front-end ASIC. - Giovanni Mazza (INFN Torino (IT))   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
Systems, Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience - Gregory Michiel Iles (Imperial College (GB)) (until 10:15) (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
09:50 The ATLAS Level-1 Topological Trigger Design and Operation in Run-2 - Olga Igonkina (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
Optoelectronics and Links - Jean-Pierre Cachemiche (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 10:40) (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
10:15 Optical Link for Detector Instrumentation: In-Detector Multi-Wavelength Silicon Photonic Transmitter - Djorn Karnick (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
Trigger - Gregory Michiel Iles (Imperial College (GB)) (until 10:40) (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
10:15 The CMS Barrel Muon Trigger Upgrade - Andrea Triossi (CERN)   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
10:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Optoelectronics and Links - Jean-Pierre Cachemiche (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 12:25) (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
11:10 Versatile Link PLUS Transceiver Development - Csaba Soos (CERN)   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
11:35 High speed electrical transmission line design and characterisation - Leyre Flores Sanz De Acedo (University of Glasgow (GB))   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
12:00 The 10G TTC-PON: Challenges, Solutions and Performance - Eduardo Brandao De Souza Mendes (CERN)   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
Trigger - Gregory Michiel Iles (Imperial College (GB)) (until 12:25) (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
11:10 The Trigger Readout Electronics for the Phase-I Upgrade of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeters - Hao Xu (BNL)   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
11:35 An FPGA based track finder at Level 1 for CMS at the High Luminosity LHC - Mark Pesaresi (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
12:00 ProtoPRM: An FPGA-Based High Performance Associative Memory Pattern Recognition Mezzanine - Jamieson Olsen (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
Plenary - Julie Whitmore (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) (until 09:50) (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
09:00 The CMS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger for LHC Run II - Alexandre Zabi (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
09:25 Installation, Commissioning, and Running of the ATLAS Fast Tracker Hardware System - Nikolina Ilic (Stanford University (US))   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
Plenary - Alessandro Marchioro (CERN) (until 10:40) (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
09:50 TOFFEE: a fully custom amplifier-comparator chip for timing applications with silicon detectors. - Francesca Cenna (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
10:15 The VeloPix ASIC - Tuomas Sakari Poikela (CERN)   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
10:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Plenary - Alessandro Marchioro (CERN) (until 12:00) (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
11:10 AM06: the Associative Memory chip for the Fast TracKer in the upgraded ATLAS detector - Valentino Liberali (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
11:35 Rad-hard DCDC converters for HL-LHC experiment's tracker modules power distribution - Giacomo Ripamonti (CERN, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
12:30 --- Registration / Lunch ---
Opening and Local Talks - Jorgen (CERN) Christiansen (CERN) (until 16:05) (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
14:00 Opening - Jorgen Christiansen (CERN)   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
14:25 Welcome from Local Organizers - Marc Weber (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)) Matthias Balzer (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
14:45 Welcome from KIT - Oliver Kraft (KIT)   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
15:00 Particle Physics in Germany - Christian Zeitniz (University of Wuppertal)   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
15:25 Highlights and Trends of Detector Instrumentation and Technology Development in Germany - Marc Weber (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
16:05 --- Coffee Break ---
Local Talks - Marc (KIT) Weber (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)) (until 18:30) (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
16:30 Invisibility Cloaking of Metal Contacts on Solar Cells and LEDs - Martin Wegener (KIT)   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
17:10 The KATRIN experiment - the most precise scale for neutrinos - Guido Drexlin (KIT)   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
17:50 The Accelerators of the FAIR Project - Jens Stadlmann (GSI)   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
18:30 --- Welcome Reception ---
12:25 --- Lunch ---
Invited Talk - Alex Kluge (CERN) (until 14:45) (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
14:00 Microsemi radiation tolerant FPGAs - Luca Cattaneo (Microsemi)   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
ASIC - Alex Grillo (University of California,Santa Cruz (US)) (until 16:05) (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
14:50 IC-PIX28: Pixel Detectors Read-Out in Bulk-CMOS 28nm - Federica Resta (University and INFN Milano Bicocca)   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
15:15 HEPS-BPIX, the hybrid pixel detector system for High Energy Photon Source in China - Wei Wei (IHEP, CAS, China)   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
15:40 Development of a monolithic pixel detector with SOI technology for ILC vertex detector - Miho Yamada (KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
Systems, Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience - Ferdinand Hahn (CERN) (until 16:05) (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
14:50 KAPTURE-2 – A picosecond sampling system for individual THz pulses with high repetition rate - Michele Caselle (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
15:15 Development of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Readout Electronics for the HL-LHC - Tiankuan Liu (Southern Methodist University (US))   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
15:40 A flexible FPGA based QDC and TDC for the HADES and the CBM calorimeters - Adrian Rost (Technische Universität Darmstadt (DE))   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
16:05 --- Coffee Break ---
POSTER - Ken Wyllie (CERN) (until 18:30) (Building 11.40 Room 014)
16:30 Development of Clock-Data Recovery circuit, Serializer and CML Driver in 65nm CMOS for HL-LHC pixel readout chip - Piotr Rymaszewski (Universitaet Bonn (DE))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
16:31 6-Bit Low Power Area Efficient SAR ADC for CBM MUCH ASIC - Vitaly Shumikhin (NRNU MEPhI)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
16:32 Design of a Depleted Monolithic CMOS Sensor in a 150 nm CMOS Technology for the ATLAS Inner Tracker Upgrade - Tianyang Wang (Universitaet Bonn (DE))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
16:33 Characterization of ALICE SAMPA ASIC Using Prototype GEM Detector for LHC Run3 and Beyond - Ganesh Jagannath Tambave (University of Bergen (NO))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
16:34 Performance of CATIROC: ASIC for Smart Readout of Large Photomultiplier Arrays - Selma Conforti Di Lorenzo (OMEGA/IN2P3/CNRS/Ecole Polytechnique)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
16:35 Characterization of SLVS Driver and Receiver in a 65 nm CMOS Technology for High Energy Physics Applications - Francesco De Canio (Universita e INFN, Pavia (IT))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
16:36 Development of Radiation-Hard Bandgap Reference Circuit in CMOS 130 nm Technology - Marika Kuczynska (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
16:38 HVCMOS Sensors for the High Luminosity Upgrade of ATLAS Experiment: The Second Generation of Prototypes and their Electronic Blocks - Mr Roberto Blanco (-)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
16:39 LDQ10P: A Compact Low-Power 4x10 Gb/s VCSEL Driver Array IC - Mr Zhiyao ZENG (SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
16:40 Readout Electronics for Silicon Micro-Strip Sensors - Oscar Alonso Casanovas   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
16:41 A New Readout Electronics for the LHCb Muon Detector Upgrade. - Sandro Cadeddu (Universita e INFN (IT)) Luigi Casu (Universita e INFN (IT))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
16:42 65nm Receiver with Decision Feedback Equalization for Radiation Hard Data Link at 5Gbps - Veronica Wallangen (Stockholm University (SE))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
16:44 A Fully Monolithic HV-CMOS Pixel Detector with a Time-to-Digital Converter for Nanosecond Time Measurements - Raimon Casanova Mohr (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
16:45 Development of 32-Channel System for Processing Asynchronous Data from the CBM GEM Detectors - Eduard Atkin (NRNU MEPHI)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
16:56 Simulation Environment Based on the Universal Verification Methodology - Adrian Fiergolski (CERN)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
16:57 SPIDR, a General-Purpose Readout System for Pixel ASICs - Bas Van Der Heijden (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
16:58 The ARAGORN Front-End - FPGA Based Implementation of a Time-to-Digital Converter - Carl Schaffer (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
16:59 Single Event Effects Mitigation with TMRG Tool - Szymon Kulis (CERN)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:00 Versatile ASIC and Protocol Tester for STS/MUCH-XYTER2 in CBM Experiment - Dr Wojciech Marek Zabolotny (Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems (PL))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:11 Flex Based Data and Power Transmission for the ATLAS Pixel Upgrade - Andre Rummler (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:12 A System-Level Model for High-Speed, Radiation-Hard Optical Links in HEP Experiments Based on Silicon Mach-Zehnder Modulators - Marcel Zeiler (CERN)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:23 Development of a Rest Gas Ionisation Profile Monitor for the CERN Proton Synchrotron Based on a Timepix3 Pixel Detector - Swann Levasseur (University of London (GB))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:24 HDI Flexible Front-End Hybrid Prototype for the PS Module of the CMS Tracker Upgrade - Mark Istvan Kovacs (CERN)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:25 Properties of Thin Polyurethane Wire Bond Coatings after Irradiation - Joseph Michael Izen (University of Texas at Dallas (US))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:36 Characterization of Radiation Effects in 65nm Digital Circuits with the DRAD Digital Radiation Test Chip - Luis Miguel Jara Casas (Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:37 Component Qualification for the Mu2E Calorimeter Wafeform Digitizer - Franco Spinella (INFN (IT))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:47 The Versatile Link Demonstrator Board (VLDB) - Raul Martin Lesma (Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:48 The MuPix Telescope – A Thin, High Rate Particle Tracking Telescope - Lennart Huth (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:49 Design Studies for the Phase II Upgrade of the CMS Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter - Adolf Bornheim (California Institute of Technology (US))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:50 Prototype Readout Electronics for the ALICE Inner Tracking System - Krzysztof Marek Sielewicz (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:51 Testing and Integration of the Service Cylinders for the CMS Phase 1 Pixel - Jennifer Ngadiuba (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:52 The Common Data Acquisition Platform in the Helmholtz Association - Peter Kaever (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:53 Phase 1 Upgrade of the CMS Drift Tubes Read-Out System - Alvaro Navarro Tobar (Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:54 Upgrades to the CSC Cathode Strip Chamber Electronics for HL-LHC - Darien Wood (Northeastern University (US))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:55 Electronics for the RICH Detectors of the HADES and CBM Experiments - Jan Michel (Goethe University Frankfurt)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:56 A New Profibus-DP Slave Interface Card for CERN’s Vacuum Sector Valve Controller - Gregory Pigny (CERN)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:57 Precision Timing with PbWO Crystals and Prospects for a Precision Timing Upgrade of the CMS Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter at HL-LHC - Vincenzo Ciriolo (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
17:58 Phase 1 Upgrade of the CMS Forward Calorimeter - Daniel Noonan (Florida Institute of Technology (US))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
18:08 The Address in Real Time Data Driver Card for the Micromegas Detector of the ATLAS Muon Upgrade - Lin Yao (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
18:18 Performance and Advantages of a Soft-Core Based Parallel Architecture for Energy Peak Detection in the Calorimeter Level 0 Trigger for the NA62 Experiment at CERN - Luca Federici (Universita e INFN Roma Tor Vergata (IT))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
18:19 Performance and Operation of the Calorimetric Trigger Processor of the NA62 Experiment at CERN SPS - Vincenzo Bonaiuto (Universita e INFN Roma Tor Vergata (IT)) Nico De Simone (CERN)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
18:20 Development of Network Interface Cards for TRIDAQ Systems with the NaNet Framework - Alessandro Lonardo (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
18:21 L-1 Trigger System for Electromagnetic Calorimeter of COMET Experiment - Leonid Epshteyn (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
18:22 ALICE Trigger System in RUN3 - Luis Alberto Perez Moreno (Autonomous University of Puebla (MX))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
18:23 FPGA Based Algorithms for the New Trigger System for the Phase 2 Upgrade of the CMS Drift Tubes Detector - Alvaro Navarro Tobar (Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
18:24 A High Bandwidth and Versatile Advanced MC Board, TRB_v1 - Yifan Yang (IIHE)   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
18:25 Study of Hardware Implementation of Fast Tracking Algorithms - Ms Zixuan Song (Université libre de Bruxelles(ULB) - Central China Normal University (CCNU))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
18:26 The Level-1 Tile-Muon Trigger in the Tile Calorimeter Upgrade Program - Andrey Ryzhov (Institute for High Energy Physics (RU))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
18:27 Implementation of the data acquisition system for the Overlap Modular Track Finder in the CMS experiment - Dr Wojciech Zabolotny (University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics (PL); Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems (PL))   (Building 11.40 Room 014)
18:30 --- Optionnal Visit to KATRIN Experiment ---
12:25 --- Lunch ---
Invited Talk - Philippe Farthouat (CERN) (until 14:45) (Tulla Lecture Hall - Build 11.40)
14:00 Radiation tolerant issues for LHC accelerator - Salvatore Danzeca (CERN)   (Tulla Lecture Hall - Build 11.40)
ASIC - Alex Grillo (University of California,Santa Cruz (US)) (until 16:05) (Tulla Lecture Hall - Build 11.40)
14:50 A fast, ultra-low power 10-bit SAR ADCs in CMOS 130 nm technology - Dr Jakub Moron (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))   (Tulla Lecture Hall - Build 11.40)
15:15 MATRIX: a 15 ps resistive interpolation TDC ASIC based on a novel regular structure - Juan Mauricio Ferre (University of Barcelona (ES))   (Tulla Lecture Hall - Build 11.40)
15:40 Developments of two 4 × 10-Gbps radiation-tolerant VCSEL array drivers in 65 nm CMOS - Datao Gong (Southern Methodist Univeristy)   (Tulla Lecture Hall - Build 11.40)
Systems, Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience - Lutz Feld (RWTH Aachen University) (until 16:05) (Redtenbacher lecture hall, Build 10.91 )
14:50 On-detector electronics for the LHCb VELO upgrade - Sneha Amogh Naik (University of Glasgow (GB))   (Redtenbacher lecture hall, Build 10.91 )
15:15 GBT based readout in the CBM experiment - Joerg Lehnert (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))   (Redtenbacher lecture hall, Build 10.91 )
15:40 FELIX: a PCIe based high-throughput approach for interfacing front-end and trigger electronics in the ATLAS Upgrade framework - Kai Chen (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))   (Redtenbacher lecture hall, Build 10.91 )
16:05 --- Coffee Break ---
POSTER - Ken Wyllie (CERN) (until 18:30) (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
16:30 Readout Channel with Majority Logic Timestamp and Digital Peak Detector for Muon chambers of the CBM Experiment - Evgeny Malankin (NRNU MEPhI)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
16:31 Front-End and Back-End Solutions in the CBM STS Readout ASIC - Krzysztof Kasiński (AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
16:32 ASPIC and CABAC: Two ASICs to Readout and Pilot CCD - Jimmy Jeglot (LAL CNRS IN2P3)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
16:33 SLVS Transmitter and Receiver for Readout ASIC - Ivan Bulbakov (NRNU MEPhI)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
16:34 A Low-Power 10 Gbps Serial Link Transmitter ASIC for Particle Detectors in 65nm CMOS - Prof. Jinghong Chen (University of Houston, Houston)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
16:35 A Low-Power and Low Transmission Latency Dual Channel Serializer ASIC for Detector Front-End Readout - Datao Gong (Southern Methodist Univeristy)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
16:36 Integrated Input Protection Against Discharges for Micro Pattern Gas Detectors Readout ASICs - Dr Tomasz Andrzej Fiutowski (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
16:37 MGPA++ A Pre-Amplifier for CMS Barrel ECAL at HL-LHC - Sema Zahid (Brunel University (GB))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
16:38 A Temperature Compensated Triple-path PLL for DUNE Experiments - Mr Tianwei Liu (Southern Methodist University)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
16:39 uTRiG: A Mixed Signal Silicon Photomultiplier Readout ASIC for Ultra-Fast Timing and Ultra-High Rate Applications - Huangshan Chen (Ruprecht-Karls- Universität Heidelberg)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
16:40 Pixel Architectures in HV/HR CMOS Process for ATLAS Inner Detector Upgrade - Yavuz Degerli (CEA/IRFU, Centre d'etude de Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
16:41 Multiple Use SiPM Integrated Circuit (MUSIC) for SiPM Anode Readout - Gerard Fernandez (University of Barcelona (UB))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
16:42 A Low-Power 10-bit 250-MS/s Dual-Channel Pipeline ADC in 0.18 µm CMOS - Prof. Jinghong Chen (University of Houston)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
16:43 Characterization of the Column-Based Priority Logic Readout of Topmetal-II- CMOS Pixel Direct Charge Sensor - Mr Wei Zhang (Central China Normal University)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
16:54 2.5Gb/s Simple Optical Wireless Communication System for Particle Detectors in High Energy Physics - Wajahat Ali (SSSUP Pisa Italy)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
16:55 Versatile Transceiver Production and Quality Assurance - Lauri Juhani Olantera (CERN)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:06 First Implementation of a Two-Stage DC-DC Conversion Powering Scheme for the CMS Phase-2 Outer Tracker - Katja Klein (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:07 Spotting and Curing Noise Issues in the Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle II Experiment - Richard Thalmeier (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:08 An Advanced Power Analysis Methodology Targeted to the Optimization of a Digital Pixel Readout Chip Design and its Critical Serial Powering System - Sara Marconi (INFN and University of Perugia (IT))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:09 High Precision, Low Disturbance Calibration of the High Voltage System of the CMS Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter - Giuseppe Fasanella (Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:10 System-Level Considerations of the Front-End Readout ASIC in the CBM Experiment from the Power Supply Perspective - Dr Krzysztof Kasiński (AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:21 Testing of Hybrid Circuits for the CMS Tracker Upgrade of Front-End Electronics - Tomasz Gadek (CERN)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:22 Test Strategies for Industrial Testers for Converter Controls Equipment - Patryk Wojciech Oleniuk (Ministere des affaires etrangeres et europeennes (FR))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:23 Lessons Learned in High Frequency Data Transmissions Design - Stephanie W Sullivan (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:24 A PCI DAQ Board Prototype after the ATLAS Pixel Detector IBL-Layer 1 and 2 ROD Cards - Luca Lama (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:35 Design of a Radiation Tolerant System for Total Ionizing Dose Monitoring Using Floating Gate and RadFET Dosimeters - Rudy Ferraro (Universite Montpellier II (FR))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:36 Adaption of Low Cost Safety COTS MCU For Low Level Radiation Applications in Accelerator Facilities - Antonio Lucio (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:37 Radiation Hardened by Design, Low Jitter, 2.56 Gbps LVDS/SLVS Based Receiver in 65 nm CMOS - Bram Faes (KU Leuven)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:48 Integration and Testing of the DAQ System for the CMS Phase 1 Pixel Upgrade - Bora Akgun (Rice University (US))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:49 Precision Electronics for a System of Custom MCPs in the TORCH Time of Flight Detector - Rui Gao (University of Oxford (GB))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:50 ATLAS Phase-II-Upgrade Pixel Data Transmission Development - Marius Wensing (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:52 A Versatile Small Form Factor Twisted-Pair TFC FMC for mTCA AMCs - Lukas Meder (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:53 A Universal FMC-Based DAQ System - Mr Jimmy Jeglot (Laboratoire de l'accélérateur linéaire)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:54 Digital Readout Board for CMS and TOTEM Precision Proton Spectrometer Timing Upgrade Project - Francesca Cenna (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:55 The Next Generation Front-End Controller for the Phase 1 Upgrade of the CMS Hadron Calorimeters. - Francesco Costanza (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:56 Design of an AdvancedTCA board Management Controller Solution - Julian Maxime Mendez (CERN)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:57 ALICE Inner Tracking System Readout Electronics Prototype Testing with the CERN “Giga Bit Transceiver” - Joachim Schambach (University of Texas (US))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:58 A Silicon Strip Telescope for Prototype Sensor Characterisation Using Particle Beam and Cosmic Rays - Jinlin Fu (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
17:59 Web-Based DAQ Systems: Connecting the User and Electronics Front-Ends - Thomas Lenzi (Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
18:10 The CMS Electron and Photon Trigger for the LHC Run 2 - Dev Nabarun   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
18:11 Design and Performance of the Phase I Upgrade of the CMS Global Trigger - Johannes Wittmann (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
18:12 Readout and Trigger for the AFP Detector at ATLAS Experiment - Martin Kocian (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
18:13 A Prototype for an Artificial Retina Processor Aimed at Reconstructing Tracks at the LHC Crossing Rate - Riccardo Cenci (SNS and INFN-Pisa, Italy)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
18:14 Pulsar IIb Design, System Integration and Next-Generation Full Mesh ATCA Backplane Test Results - Zijun Xu (Peking University (CN))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
18:15 Processing of the Liquid Xenon Calorimeter’s Signals for Timing Measurements - Leonid Epshteyn (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
18:16 A Neural Network on FPGAs for the z-Vertex Track Trigger in Belle II - Steffen Baehr (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
18:17 Tile Rear Extension Module for the Phase-I Upgrade of the ATLAS L1Calo PreProcessor System - Victor Andrei (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
18:18 A High-Speed DAQ Framework for Future High-Level Trigger and Event Building Clusters - Michele Caselle (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   (Building 11.40 Room 014 )
18:30 --- Conference Dinner ---
12:25 --- Lunch ---
Invited Talk - Alessandro Marchioro (CERN) (until 14:45) (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
14:00 Neural hardware architectures for spatio-temporal data processing - Karlheinz Meier   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
Radiation tolerant components and systems - Salvatore Danzeca (CERN) (until 16:05) (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
14:50 Application of flash-based field-programmable gate arrays in high energy experiments - Yuta Sano (Nagoya University (JP))   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
15:15 Total Ionizing Dose effects on a 28nm Hi-K metal-gate CMOS technology up to 1 Grad - Serena Mattiazzo (University of Padova (IT))   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
15:40 First studies on AMS H35 CMOS devices for application in the ATLAS tracker upgrade - Emanuele Cavallaro (IFAE - Barcelona (ES))   (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
Trigger - Julie Whitmore (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) (until 16:05) (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
14:50 Design and test performance of the ATLAS Feature Extractor trigger boards for the Phase-1 Upgrade - Weiming Qian (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
15:15 Real Time FPGA Design for the L0 Trigger of the RICH Detector of the NA62 Experiment at CERN SPS - Mattia Barbanera (Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
15:40 Evaluation of GPUs for High-Level Triggers in High Energy Physics - Hannes Heiner Mohr (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
16:05 --- Coffee Break ---
WG 1 - Markus Joos (CERN) (until 18:30) (Room S116 (Build 11.40))
16:30 Welcome - Markus Joos (CERN)   (Room S116 (Build 11.40))
16:35 Design of an AdvancedTCA board Management Controller Solution - Julian Maxime Mendez (CERN)   (Room S116 (Build 11.40))
16:50 Proposal of a specification for ATCA shelves used in experiments at CERN - Vincent Bobillier (CERN)   (Room S116 (Build 11.40))
17:05 Present and future xTCA developments in CMS DAQ group - Attila Racz (CERN)   (Room S116 (Build 11.40))
17:25 A generic software component enabling communication between IP-Bus and OPC-UA - Piotr Nikiel (CERN)   (Room S116 (Build 11.40))
17:45 The use of ATCA in CMS at the HL-LHC - Eric Shearer Hazen (B)   (Room S116 (Build 11.40))
18:05 Discussion   (Room S116 (Build 11.40))
WG 3 - Ken Wyllie (CERN) Salvatore Danzeca (CERN) (until 18:30) (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
16:30 Introduction - Ken Wyllie (CERN) Salvatore Danzeca (CERN)   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
16:40 FPGAs in radiation: Recent results from Kintex7 - Vlad-Mihai Placinta (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Enginee)   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
16:55 FPGAs in radiation: Recent results from Artix7 - Rudy Ferraro (Universite Montpellier II (FR))   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
17:10 FPGAs in radiation: Recent results from SmartFusion2 - Nikolaos Trikoupis (CERN)   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
17:25 GBT-FPGA tutorial - Julian Maxime Mendez (CERN)   (Redtenbacher Lecture Hall (Building 10.91))
CLOSE OUT - Alessandro (CERN) Marchioro (CERN) (until 12:25) (Tulla Lecture Hall (Building 11.40))
12:25 --- Lunch ---
Tutorial - Alessandro Marchioro (CERN) (until 17:30) (Room 116 (Building 11.40))
14:00 Reliability and failure mechanisms of Integrated Circuits and devices - Guido Groeseneken (IMEC)   (Room 116 (Building 11.40))