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21–25 Sept 2009
Institut des Cordeliers 15, rue de l'Ecole de Médecine (Métro Odéon) Paris, France
Europe/Paris timezone
<strong>The deadline for paper submission has been extended to 23 October 2009</strong>

Commissioning of the CSC Level 1 Trigger Optical Links at CMS

24 Sept 2009, 16:15
2h 15m
Institut des Cordeliers 15, rue de l'Ecole de Médecine (Métro Odéon) Paris, France

Institut des Cordeliers 15, rue de l'Ecole de Médecine (Métro Odéon) Paris, France

Poster Optoelectronics and Links POSTERS SESSION


Mikhail Matveev (Rice University)


The Endcap Muon (EMU) Cathode Strip Chamber (CSC) sub-detector at the CMS experiment at CERN has been fully installed and operational since summer of 2008. The system of 180 optical links connects the middle and upper levels of the CSC Level 1 Trigger chain. Design and commissioning of all optical links presents several challenges, including reliable clock distribution, link synchronization and alignment, status monitoring and system testing. We gained a lot of experience conducting various tests, participating in local and global cosmic runs and initial stage of the LHC operation. In this paper we present our hardware, firmware and software solutions and first results of the optical link commissioning.

Primary author

Mikhail Matveev (Rice University)


Alex Madorsky (University of Florida, Gainesville) Daniel Holmes (University of Florida, Gainesville) Darin Acosta (University of Florida, Gainesville) Dayong Wang (University of Florida, Gainesville) Gian Piero Di Giovanni (University of Florida, Gainesville) Laria Redjimi (Rice University) Lev Uvarov (PNPI) Paul Padley (Rice University)

Presentation materials