Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

21–25 Sept 2009
Institut des Cordeliers 15, rue de l'Ecole de Médecine (Métro Odéon) Paris, France
Europe/Paris timezone
<strong>The deadline for paper submission has been extended to 23 October 2009</strong>

Silicon Photomultiplier integrated readout chip (SPIROC) for the ILC: characterization and mesurements

24 Sept 2009, 16:15
2h 15m
Institut des Cordeliers 15, rue de l'Ecole de Médecine (Métro Odéon) Paris, France

Institut des Cordeliers 15, rue de l'Ecole de Médecine (Métro Odéon) Paris, France



Mr Stépahne Callier (Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire)


The SPIROC chip is a dedicated very front-end electronics for an ILC technical prototype hadronic calorimeter with Silicon Photomultiplier (or MPPC) readout. This ASIC is due to equip a 2,000-channel demonstrator in 2009. The SPIROC chip is the successor of the ILC_SiPM ASIC presently used for the ILC AHCAL physics prototype incorporating additional features like autotriggering, pipelines, digitization as well as power pulsing. Realized in 0.35um SiGe technology it is designed in order to fulfill ILC final detector requirements of large dynamic range, low noise, low power consumption, high precision and large channel numbers. The SPIROC is a 36-channel chip. Each channel has bi-gain amplification, auto-triggering capability, a 16-bit depth analog memory array and a 12-bit Wilkinson ADC. It allows time and charge measurements at the same time with digitized data results. The digitization is controlled and read out by the digital part of the chip. After the submission in June 2007, extensive measurements have been carried out to characterize the chip. Results on linearity, noise, triggering, timing capability and the A/D interface etc. will be presented. The chip has been proven to be successful in calorimeter calibration as well as real physics experiments.

Primary author

Mr Ludovic Raux (Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire)


Dr Christophe de La Taille (Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire) Mr Frédéric Dulucq (Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire) Mrs Gisèle Martin-Chassard (Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire) Mr Julien Fleury (Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire) Mr Stépahne Callier (Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire)

Presentation materials