Registration fee for PhD or undergraduate student is EUR 250 before the 30th of April. For postdoc and higher - 350 EUR. After April 30th the price will increase by 50 EUR. To be eligible for the early registration fee you must submit the registration form before the April 30th. The payment details have been provided via e-mail.
The registration fee covers school participation and centralized meals (coffee breaks, closing dinner, etc). It does not cover lunches, the welcome dinner and accommodation. For the accommodation:
- click on the menu on the left 'Payment for accommodation'
- select "LHCP2016 Guest House" as event
- make sure you state "MLHEP" and the name(s) in the "Remittance information" field
The payment for the room needs to be:
- 2688 SEK for a place in a shared double room (this is the default option for the school)
- 5376 SEK for a double room
- 4480 SEK for a single room