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20–26 Jun 2016
Lund University
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Social programme

Official Events

  • Monday evening : Welcome dinner
  • Friday all-day : Midsommer celebration at Skrylle
  • Saturday evening: School dinner

Welcome Dinner on Monday evening

The welcome dinner will take place in the city park restaurant, Stadtsparkcafeet. Times will be given in the lecture, but we will most likely walk from the conference venue.

Excursion on Friday (Midsommarafton)

Maypole dancingMidsommar is the biggest Swedish holiday of the year, so on Friday there are no scheduled lectures. An official excursion is organized - it is free of charge but everyone will need to provide their own bus ticket (< 10 EUR) and pic-nic lunch. We will leave the school at around 10 am, and go to the Skrylle forest North of Lund and celebrate Midsommer in the park by singing and dancing around the maypole. More info in Swedish are here: The Skrylle area offers many easy hikes that can be done starting after the midsommar celebrations. There is also the possibility to bike there, if you rent a bike - if you are interested, contact Caterina via the school email or directly at the lectures on the day before. 

​In addition to the official excursion, Lund and the area around it offers many possibilities for private visits. A lot of information is available at the official tourist webpages for Lund and Copenhagen.
Below we list some of the favourite recommendations of the local organizers.

School Dinner on Saturday night

We will have the school dinner on Saturday night, at the Vin and Tapas bar restaurant in the center of Lund. Details will be given closer to the date.​