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1st ComHEP: Colombian Meeting on High Energy Physics

Medellin, Colombia

Medellin, Colombia

ITM Robledo, Calle 73 No 76A - 354 Vía al Volador
Alex Tapia (UM) (Universidad de Medellin), Carlos Andres Florez Bustos (Uniandes) (Universidad de Los Andes), Carlos Avila Bernal (Uniandes) (Universidad de Los Andes), Carlos Eduardo Vera Aguirre (UT) (Universidad del Tolima), Carlos Sandoval (UAN) (Universidad Antonio Nariño), Diego Milanes (UNAL) (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), Eduardo Rojas (UdeA) (Universidad de Antioquia), Mario Andres Acero Ortega (UA) (Universidad del Atlantico), Oscar Alberto Zapata Noreña (UdeA) (Universidad de Antioquia), Richard Benavides (ITM) (Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano)

The goal of the meeting is to bring together young and senior scientists, theorists and experimentalists, to discuss recent progress in particle physics, cosmology and related areas. The program of the meeting will address a broad range of topics, such as: 

  • Standard Model and beyond - Neutrino physics
  • Hadron and flavor physics
  • Dark Matter
  • Cosmology

There will be a $30 USD registration fee for senior scientists and PhD students; some financial support might be available upon request for a limited number of students presenting a parallel talk.

Confirmed speakers

  • Enrique Arrieta (Southern Methodist University, U.S.-NOvA Experiment)
  • Bobby Acharya (King's College London, UK-ICTP, Italy)
  • Carlos Ávila (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia - CMS Experiment)
  • Alberto Correa Dos Reis (CBPF - Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, Brazil)
  • Bruno El-Bennich (Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, Brazil)
  • Jens Erler (Instituto de Física-UNAM, México)
  • Andre de Gouvea (Northwestern University, U.S.)
  • Alfredo Gurrola (Vanderbilt University, U.S.)
  • Fabio Iocco (Instituto de Fisica Teorica, IFT, Brazil)
  • Deywis Moreno (Universidad Antonio Nariño, Colombia- ATLAS Experiment)
  • Enrico Nardi (Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare,  Italy)
  • Alberto Oliva (CIEMAT AND CERN)  
  • Yuichi Oyama (Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies-T2K,  Japan)
  • Carlos Ramirez (Universidad de Los Andes,  Colombia)
  • Antonio E. Romano (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia)
  • Federico Sánchez (ITeDA, Argentina)
  • Avelino Vicente  (Instituto de Física Corpuscular, España)

Please feel free to contact us for any additional information. We are looking forward to hearing from you at your convenience.

Public lecture

  • Aftab Ahmad
  • Alejandro Correa López
  • Alex Tapia
  • Alexander Bonilla Rivera
  • Alexandra Gaviria Noreña
  • Alexis Aguirre
  • Amalia Betancur-Rodríguez
  • América Morales
  • Anahi Segovia Miranda
  • Andres Castillo
  • Andres Mauricio Rengifo Herrera
  • Andrés Felipe Rivera Romero
  • Arley Flórez López
  • Bobby Samir Acharya
  • Brahyam Ríos Sánchez
  • Bruce Lehmann Sánchez Vega
  • Camilo Santa
  • Carlos alberto dagua conda
  • Carlos Andrés Toro Cardona
  • Carlos Eduardo Vera aguirre
  • Cesar Augusto Arroyo Cardenas
  • Cesar Leal
  • Cristian David Ruiz Carvajal
  • César Andrés Moralesr Rodriguez
  • Daniel Camargo
  • Daniel Eteban Jaramillo Arango
  • Danilo Alejandro Arturo Rodríguez
  • David Felipe Tamayo Agudelo
  • Deywis Moreno Lopez
  • Diego Barón
  • Diego Restrepo
  • Duplicate Registration. Please Delete Duplicate Registration. Please Delete
  • Edgar Andres Izquierdo
  • Eduardo Rojas
  • Federico von der Pahlen
  • Frank Bula
  • Fredy Fabian Mojica Barrios
  • Gabriela Alejandra Navarro
  • German Enrique Ramos Zambrano
  • German Enrique Ramos Zambrano
  • Guillermo Palacio
  • Heisman Duvolfan Arcila Arboleda
  • Herberth Jesús Cárdenas Ramírez
  • Ignacio Alberto Monroy Canon
  • Ivania Maturana
  • Jacky Kumar
  • Jaime Alexis Villalba Ortiz
  • Jaime Junior Cuervo Cárdenas
  • Javier Alberto Duarte Chavez
  • Javier Andres Orduz-Ducuara
  • Jeferson Arboleda Colorado
  • Jeysson Alexander Riaño
  • Joel Jones-Perez
  • Johan Arbey Vargas Mejía
  • Jonathan Cardozo Núñez
  • Jorge Luis Nisperuza Toledo
  • Jorge Navarro E.
  • Jose David Ruiz Alvarez
  • Juan Bautista Flórez Moreno
  • Juan Pablo Bernal Tamayo
  • Juan Pablo Montoya Ortega
  • Juan Zapata
  • Justo López Sarrión
  • katherine Builes Londoño
  • Laila Vleeschower Calas
  • Luis Alberto Wills-Toro
  • Luis Echeverri
  • Maikel de Vries
  • Manuel Alejandro Segura Delgado
  • Maral Salajegheh
  • marcos cardoso rodriguez
  • Marta Liliana Sánchez Peláez
  • Mateo Moreno Gonzalez
  • Miguel Angel Martin Contreras
  • Muhammad Goharipour
  • Nelson Vanegas
  • Nestor Quintero Poveda
  • Newton Nath
  • Nicolás Bernal
  • Omar Andres Zapata Mesa
  • Oscar Mauricio Fino Puerto
  • Oscar Rodríguez
  • Rafael David Nunez Palacio
  • Richard Benavides
  • Robinson Longas
  • Sebastian Henao
  • Sergio Andrés Vallejo Peña
  • Tomás Enrique Sierra Polanco
  • William Vieira
  • Yuichi Oyama