22–27 Sept 2016
East Lake International Conference Center
Asia/Chongqing timezone
<a href="http://hp2016.ccnu.edu.cn">http://hp2016.ccnu.edu.cn</a>

Nonperturbative Approach to Open Heavy Flavor in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

24 Sept 2016, 16:40
Wuhan Hall (East Lake International Convention Center)

Wuhan Hall

East Lake International Convention Center


Min He (Nanjing University of Sci. & Tech.)


We evaluate open heavy-flavor (HF) transport in relativistic heavy-ion
collisions utilizing a strong-coupling treatment for both macro- and
micro-dynamics of the problem [1]. The former is realized through a
hydrodynamic evolution quantitatively constrained by bulk-hadron spectra
and elliptic flow. The HF transport is based on non-perturbative $T$-matrix
calculations of heavy-light parton scattering in the Quark-Gluon Plasma
(QGP) [2], yielding a diffusion coefficient consistent with lattice QCD,
and on effective interactions of $D$-mesons with light hadrons in hadronic
matter [3]. The $T$-matrix interactions in the QGP lead to resonance
formation close to $T_c$ which are implemented as a hadronization (recombination)
mechanism on a hydrodynamic hypersurface, providing a seamless treatment
of HF interactions throughout the bulk-medium evolution. We deploy this
framework for a comprehensive study of open HF observables from
62-2760 GeV [4,5,6]. A fair description of current experimental data for the
nuclear modification factor and elliptic flow of $D$, $D_s$, $B$ mesons and
HF leptons emerges at low and intermediate transverse momenta $p_T$. Discrepancies
arise toward high $p_T$, indicating the onset of radiative energy loss that we also address via a preliminary nonperturbative bremsstrahlung calculation.

[1] M. He, R. J. Fries and R. Rapp, Phys.Rev. C 86,014903 (2012).
[2] F. Riek and R. Rapp, Phys. Rev. C 82, 035201 (2010);
K. Huggins and R. Rapp, Nucl. Phys. A896, 24 (2012).
[3] M. He, R. J. Fries and R. Rapp, Phys. Lett. B 701, 445 (2011).
[4] M. He, R. J. Fries and R. Rapp, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 112301 (2013).
[5] M. He, R. J. Fries and R. Rapp, Phys. Lett. B 735, 445 (2014).
[6] M. He, R. J. Fries and R. Rapp, Phys. Rev. C 91, 024904 (2015).


Open heavy flavor transport in hot QCD matter via non-perturbative computations.

Presentation type Oral


Min He (Nanjing University of Sci. & Tech.)

Presentation materials