22–27 Sept 2016
East Lake International Conference Center
Asia/Chongqing timezone
<a href="http://hp2016.ccnu.edu.cn">http://hp2016.ccnu.edu.cn</a>

Including resummation in the NLO BK equation

24 Sept 2016, 11:40
Shi-Yan Hall (East Lake International Convention Center)

Shi-Yan Hall

East Lake International Convention Center


Tuomas Lappi (University of Jyvaskyla)


We include a resummation of large transverse momentum logarithms into the next-to-leading order Balitsky-Kovchegov equation. The resummed NLO evolution equation is shown to be stable, the evolution speed being significantly reduced by higher order corrections. The contributions from alpha_s^2 terms that are not enhanced by large logarithms are found to be numerically important close to phenomenologically relevant initial conditions. We numerically determine the value for the constant in the resummed logarithm that includes a maximal part of the full NLO terms in the resummation.


We include a resummation of large transverse momentum logarithms into the next-to-leading order Balitsky-Kovchegov equation. The resummed NLO evolution equation is shown to be stable, the evolution speed being significantly reduced by higher order corrections. The contributions from alpha_s^2 terms that are not enhanced by large logarithms are found to be numerically important close to phenomenologically relevant initial conditions. We numerically determine the value for the constant in the resummed logarithm that includes a maximal part of the full NLO terms in the resummation.

Presentation type Oral

Primary author

Tuomas Lappi (University of Jyvaskyla)

Presentation materials