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NewCompStar School 2016 - “Neutron stars: gravitational physics theory and observations”

AD1 (Department of Physics (University of Coimbra))


Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

Constança Providência (University of Coimbra), Isaac Vidaña (University of Coimbra)

We are pleased to announce the third NewCompStar school, following the 2014 (Barcelona) and the 2015 (Bucharest) editions. The NewCompStar school 2016 will focus on Gravitational Physics, and include some Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics topics. 

Photo taken inside the University  courtyard having "Via Latina" as bakground



Topics & Lecturers

General Relativity

  • Introduction to General Relativity (V. Cardoso)
  • Tests of general relativity and neutron star mass measurements from timing of radio pulsars (P. Freire)
  •  Analytical Relativity Modelling of Coalescing Compact Binaries (A. Le Tiec)

Numerical Relativity

  • Introduction to Numerical Relativity (U. Sperhake)
  • SageManifolds or Numerical Models (E. Gourgoulhon) 
  • General Relativistic Hydrodynamics & Magnetohydrodynamics (L. Rezzolla)
  • NS-NS and BH-NS coalescing binaries (T. Font)

Neutron star oscillations & instabilities

  • Bulk & Shear Viscosities in Nuclear Matter (E. Kantor)
  • Introduction to NS Oscillations & Instabilities (K. Glampedakis)
  • Bulk & Shear Viscosities in Quark Matter (A. Schmitt)

Gravitational Waves

  • Gravitational wave source modeling (I. Jones)
  • Detection & Anaysis (M. A. Papa)

Equation of State

  • Microscopic description of the Dense Matter EoS (F. Burgio)
  • Effect of the Magnetic Field on the Dense Matter EoS (V. Dexheimer)


Pratical Class on General relativity computations
There will be a pratical class on General relativity computations with SageManifolds, on Tuesday.  SageManifolds [1] is an extension of the Python-based modern computer
algebra system SageMath [2] towards differential geometry and tensor calculus. We shall use it to perform computations and draw figures regarding neutron star and black hole spacetimes. The School participants are encouraged to install the free software SageMath on their computer prior to the school or to open a free account on the SageMathCloud [3] in order to run SageMath remotely.


Poster session

Students may present their work on the posters session
A poster session is programmed on Wednesday at 16:30 for students to present their work. A votation will be organized to select the three best posters.

Setelcted posters:
Sofija Antic: The liquid-gas phase transition within the temperature-dependent DD-NLD model
Christine Farrugia: Thermodynamic Geodesics of a Supermassive Reissner-Nordström Black Hole
Vasiliy Dommes:


Public Colloquium

public Colloquium will take place in the Museu da Ciência, on the 8th September at 18h30. The colloquium will be in English followed by a discussion in English and Portuguese.

Estrelas de neutrões, pulsares e testes da relatividade geral de Einstein

Neutron stars, pulsars and tests to the theory of General relativity

Paulo Freire, Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Germany


The school will consist of four 2-lecture  courses on more basic general topics, a few lectures on more specific topics and some practical exercise sessions. There will be  time for student poster presentations.

The list of topics we aim to cover includes:  general relativity, numerical relativity, gravitational waves, neutron star oscillations and instabilities and equation of state.

According to the NewCompStar policy we shall partly cover the travel and accommodation expenses to all eligible participants. In order to apply, students are requested to provide a CV and two recommendation letters not later than June 15th.

Co-organised by CFisUC, University of Coimbra and NewCompstar.

Travel Information

Arriving to Portugal either through the airport of Lisboa/Lisbon or  Porto/Oporto. Although Lisboa has a lot more connections to European capitals, Oporto also offers good connections. From either airport you  can use the metro (running every 5-10 min in Lisboa and every ~ 15 min in Porto) to the railway stations of Oriente (Lisboa; 5-10 min) or Campanhã  (Porto; ~ 40 min), respectively. Then you take the fast trains (AP or IC)  to Coimbra (1h35 to 1h50 from Lisboa  see or ~ 1h from  Porto).

Metro (see Porto subway map tickets could be purchased at the respective stations (buy two trips in case you plan to use the same means for the return journey) and keep the ticket  (later you can also top it up).

Trains run most of the day time about every hour, and this until about 20:00. The last train from Lisboa (check schedule at ) is an international one that leaves Oriente at 21:27 and takes two hours to Coimbra. Trains tickets may easily be purchased at (Advanced purchase may profit from a reasonable discount.) Lisbon-Coimbra one way costs €32,80/€22,80 (1st/2nd class) on AP, and  24,30/19,20 on IC Porto-Coimbra one way costs €21,70/€16,70 (1st/2nd class) on AP, and 17,20/13,20€ on IC

From the Coimbra railway station (Coimbra B) to the Hotel or the Department of Physics (see map in a taxi (less than 10€) is the best option. 


Students will stay in one of the Students Residence of the University of Coimbra at  walking distance to the University (15min)

a) How to get from the Train Station to the Students' Residence:

1) By bus: From the Main Train Station (Coimbra-B) take a suburban/regional train to the Central Station (Coimbra) (also called Estação Nova). The journey takes about 5 minutes, and the ticket you bought for Coimbra-B is also valid for that station. From Coimbra Station take bus #4 to "António José Almeida 5" bus stop, which is right in front of the residence (Residência António José de Almeida) (you can also ask the driver to tell you where to get out, if in doubt). You can buy the bus ticket from the driver (1.60 euro). Check the bus schedule in (choose "4-Estação Nova-Sto António dos Olivais (via Celas)").

for a picture of the residence entrance.

Please be aware that on Sundays (Domingos), there is only about 1 bus per hour, so you might want to take a taxi from Coimbra-B.

2) By taxi: Take a taxi from Coimbra-B to Residência António José de Almeida. It should cost ~5 euro.

b) How to get from the Students' Residence to the Physics Department:

It's about 1km. Please check the map attached.

How to get from the Students' Residence to the Physics Department

Lecturers will stay in a nearby hotel at walking distance (10 minutes through the Botanic Garden)


Points of interest:


a) Breakfast
The breakfast is served from 8am to 11am in the canteen "Químicas" (location #1 in map). It costs 0.80€ for 2 breads, butter, jam, coffee/milk or both. You can have other things but you will pay for each item separately.

b) Lunch
The lunch is served from 12pm to 3pm. There are three canteens open during the School week: the "Químicas" (location #1 in map), where the meal has a fixed price of 2.40€, and you can choose from a meat, fish or veggie main course, and it also includes bread, soup, and dessert. The canteen "Jerónimos" (location #2 in map) has two queues: the fixed-price queue, just like Químicas, and a pay-as-you-take queue, where the prices can go from ~3.5€ up to ~6€, and where you have more options. The canteen "Azuis" (location #3 in map) has only one queue, but it serves the fixed-price meal, together with other options, where you pay for each separately. There is also a restaurant (location #5 in map) that serves meals from ~3.5€ up to ~6.5€.

c) Dinner and weekends
The dinner is served from 7pm to 9pm in the canteen "Azuis" only. This is also the only canteen open during weekends. The other canteens are closed.

These are just a few options. Certainly, Coimbra has many restaurants, bars, caffes that you can explore as well!


Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC)

Valeria Ferrari (Sapienza Universitá di Roma, Italy), Ian Jones (Southampton University, UK), Micaela Oertel  (LUTH-Observatoire de Paris,  France)

Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

Constança Providência (CFisUC & UC), Isaac Vidaña (CFisUC & UC), Silvia Chiacchiera (CFisUC & UC), Pedro Costa (CFisUC & UC), Orlando Oliveira (CFisUC & UC), Helena Pais (CFisUC)

This school is co-organized by the  COST Action MP1304  (CompStar - Exploring fundamental physics with compact stars), the Centro de Física da Universidade de Coimbra (CFisUC) and the University of Coimbra (UC)

  • Alessandro Parisi
  • Alexandre Le Tiec
  • Ali Arda Gencali
  • Alice Harpole
  • Andrea Endrizzi
  • Andreas Boden
  • Andreas Schmitt
  • André Duarte
  • António Torres Manso
  • Armin Vahdat
  • Arus Harutyunyan
  • Bruno Franzon
  • Christine Farrugia
  • Constança Providência
  • Cosima Breu
  • David Fernandes
  • Dubinin Aleksandr
  • Dániel Barta
  • Eda Vurgun
  • Elena Kantor
  • Elias Roland Most
  • Emma L. Dean
  • Eric Gourgoulhon
  • Federico Guercilena
  • Felipe Demigio Pereira
  • Fiorella Burgio
  • Gabriele Brambilla
  • Hector Raul Olivares Sanchez
  • Helena Pais
  • Helgi Freyr Rúnarsson
  • Hesaum Farazi Majd
  • Hodjat Mariji
  • I. Ceyhun Andac
  • Ian Jones
  • Isaac Vidana
  • Ismael Ayuso
  • Jacob Roark
  • Jacobus Diener
  • José Marques
  • Kostas Glampedakis
  • Laura Providência
  • Luciano Rezzolla
  • Ludwig Jens Papenfort
  • Luke Bovard
  • M.Alessandra Papa
  • Marco Antonelli
  • Marcos Gouveia
  • Maria Inês Cravo
  • Marina Cermeño-Gavilán
  • Miguel Zilhão
  • Mikhail Beznogov
  • Morgane Fortin
  • Márcio Ferreira
  • Naosad Alam
  • Ninoy Rahman
  • Paulo Freire
  • Pedro Costa
  • Pedro V. P. Cunha
  • Péter Pósfay
  • Raimundo Martins
  • Renan Pereira
  • Ricardo Heras
  • Rita Neves
  • Sagar Pratapsi
  • Sebastian Völkel
  • Sercan çıkıntoğlu
  • Sofia Lourenço
  • Sofija Antic
  • Sven Köppel
  • Szilvia Karsai
  • Tanguy Marchand
  • Tiziano Abdelsalhin
  • Vasiliy Dommes
  • Verônica Dexheimer
  • Vitor Cardoso
    • 08:30 09:00
      Registration AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      Participant registration

    • 09:00 09:05
      Welcome AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

    • 09:05 10:35
      Introduction to General Relativity 1h 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      Speaker: Dr V Cardoso (IST - University of Lisbon)
    • 10:35 11:00
      Coffee break Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

    • 11:00 12:30
      Introduction to Numerical Relativity 1h 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      Speaker: Dr U. Sperhake (University of Cambridge)
    • 12:30 14:30
      Lunch 2h Cantinas (University of Coimbra)


      University of Coimbra

    • 14:30 16:00
      General Relativistic Hydrodynamics & Magnetohydrodynamics 1h 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      Speaker: Dr L. Rezzolla (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Frankfurt am Main)
    • 16:00 16:30
      Coffee break Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

    • 16:30 18:00
      Tests of general relativity and neutron star mass measurements from timing of radio pulsars 1h 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      In this lecture, I will introduce some basic concepts related to neutron stars, radio pulsars and their evolution. I then describe in detail timing of radio pulsars in binary systems, using the results from the first binary pulsar, PSR B1913+16, as an important example. First, I describe how pulsar timing of this system was used to determine the masses of the components, and then I describe how it was used to test general relativity and to achieve, in the 1980's, the first detection of gravitational wave emission. This fundamental discovery opened up a wide field of research, by encouraging the construction of ground-based gravitational wave detectors, but also by further stimulating pulsar surveys (which I describe in some detail), which lead to the discovery of many more binary pulsars. I then describe many of the results from these new pulsars. I concentrate first on neutron star mass measurements, in particular the special difficulties that arise from measuring masses of millisecond pulsars, and the great rewards from this effort, with a special emphasis on the consequences for our knowledge of the behaviour of super-dense matter in the cores of neutron stars. I finally describe in detail the current status of tests of general relativity, both with double neutron star systems (in particular the ``double pulsar" system, J0737-3039), millisecond pulsar - white dwarf systems and the triple system, J0337+1715.
      Speaker: Dr P Freire (Max Planck Institute - Bonn)
    • 18:10 19:10
      Library, Sala dos Capelos and Tower: Visit to the Old University Entrance Department of Physics

      Entrance Department of Physics

      Visit to the Old University including Sala dos Capelos, Old Library and Capela de São Miguel. There will be two groups

    • 09:00 10:30
      Introduction to General Relativity 1h 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      Speaker: Dr V Cardoso (IST - University of Lisbon)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee break Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

    • 11:00 12:30
      General Relativistic Hydrodynamics & Magnetohydrodynamics 1h 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      Speaker: Dr L. Rezzolla (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Frankfurt am Main)
    • 12:30 14:30
      Lunch 2h Cantinas (University of Coimbra)


      University of Coimbra

    • 14:30 16:00
      Introduction to Numerical Relativity 1h 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      Speaker: Dr U. Sperhake (University of Cambridge)
    • 16:00 16:30
      Coffee break Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

    • 16:30 18:30
      General relativity computations with SageManifolds 2h C16A


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      SageManifolds [1] is an extension of the Python-based modern computer algebra system SageMath [2] towards differential geometry and tensor calculus. We shall use it to perform computations and draw figures regarding neutron star and black hole spacetimes. The School participants are encouraged to install the free software SageMath on their computer prior to the school or to open a free account on the SageMathCloud [3] in order to run SageMath remotely.


      Speaker: E. Gourgoulhon (Observatoire de Paris)
    • 09:00 10:30
      Gravitational wave source modeling 1h 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      Gravitational Wave source Modelling 1: Basic formalism In this lecture I will present the so-called quadrupole formalism for describing the gravitational wave emission from a neutron star. Within this formalism, General Relativity is treated as a correction to Newtonian physics. I will sketch out the key formulae, and show how they lead to some well known results for the gravitational wave amplitude and luminosity of a source. Insights and formulae from this formalism provide a great deal of our intuition as to how compact objects emit gravitational waves, and are made use of in other lectures in this school.
      Speaker: Dr I. Jones (University of Southampton)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee break Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

    • 11:00 12:30
      Analytical Relativity Modelling of Coalescing Compact Binaries 1h 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      In this lecture, I will give an introduction to the analytical approximation methods that are used to model the orbital dynamics and gravitational-wave emission of binary systems of compact objects (neutrons stars and black holes), namely the post-Newtonian approximation, black hole perturbation theory and the gravitational self-force formalism, and the effective one-body model. The key ideas underlying each approximation method will be illustrated in the simplest cases, while state of the art results and sub-leading physical effects (spins, tidal deformations) will be briefly reviewed.
      Speaker: Dr A. Le Tiec (Observatoire de Paris)
    • 12:30 14:30
      Lunch 2h Cantinas (University of Coimbra)


      University of Coimbra

    • 14:30 16:00
      Effect of the Magnetic Field on the Dense Matter EoS 1h 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      I will present a lecture about the modifications introduced in the EOS of dense by the presence of strong magnetic fields. We know that magnetic fields of up to 10^15 G have been measured on the surface of neutron stars and a field of 10^16 have been measured somewhere inside a neutron star. We speculate further that magnetic fields of more than 10^18 Gauss can exist in the center of massive stars. In this case, the equation of state becomes anisotropic, presenting a larger component of the pressure in the direction parallel to the magnetic field. Eventually, such anisotropy is overturned by the pure field contribution to the pressure, which is larger in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field and turns the star oblate. Nevertheless, strong magnetic field corrections to the EOS can change the macroscopic properties of stars. First, I will introduce the magnetic field formalism in a relativistic Fermi gas, followed by anomalous magnetic moment corrections, finite temperature, numerical procedures and, finally, results for a more realistic model within the context of general relativity.
      Speaker: Dr V. Dexheimer (Kent State University)
    • 16:00 16:30
      Coffee break Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

    • 16:30 18:00
      Poster Session Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

    • 09:00 10:30
      Gravitational waves: Detection & Anaysis 1h 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      Speaker: Dr M. A. Papa (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Hannover)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee break Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

    • 11:00 12:30
      Gravitational wave source modeling 1h 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      Gravitational Wave source Modelling 2: Applications

      In this lecture I will apply the basic formalism described in my previous lecture to the gravitational wave emission from neutron stars in various contexts. In particular I will discuss rotating non-axisymmetric neutron stars, making the connection between neutron star microphysics and possible gravitational wave amplitudes explicit.

      Speaker: Dr I. Jones (University of Southampton)
    • 12:30 14:30
      Lunch 2h Cantinas (University of Coimbra)


      University of Coimbra

    • 14:30 16:00
      Microscopic description of the Dense Matter EoS 1h 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      Speaker: Dr F. Burgio (INFN - Catania)
    • 16:00 16:30
      Coffee break Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

    • 16:30 18:00
      Bulk & Shear Viscosities in Nuclear Matter 1h 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      In this lecture I will review the main features of bulk and shear viscosities in application to neutron stars. Starting with the discussion of the main processes contributing to both viscosities in superdense matter I will proceed to the effects of superfluidity. I will show how the baryon superfluidity affects the functional dependences and values of the coefficients and, moreover, how it increases the number of bulk viscosity coefficients in hydrodynamic equations. The role of the viscosity in neutron star evolution will also be discussed.
      Speaker: Dr E. Kantor (Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St.-Petersburg)
    • 18:30 19:30
      "Neutron stars, pulsars and tests of general relativity", Paulo Freire Anfiteatro (Museu da Ciência)


      Museu da Ciência

      Laboratorio Chimico, Largo Marquês de Pombal, 3000-272 Coimbra
    • 20:30 22:30
      NewCompStar School 2016 Dinner 2h Tertúlia de Eventos (Coimbra)

      Tertúlia de Eventos


    • 09:00 10:30
      Introduction to NS Oscillations & Instabilities 1h 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      This lecture provides a detailed discussion of gravitational wave-driven instabilities in neutron stars and highlights their implications for the photon and gravitational wave astronomy of these objects. The emphasis is given on the analysis of the (most promising) r-mode and f-mode instabilities: we discuss the, occasionaly exotic, physics that determines their instability “windows”, the role they may play in the astrophysics of systems like accreting and newly formed neutron stars (or strange stars), and the prospects for detection by present and future gravitational wave observatories. The lecture concludes with a list of key theory assignments/open issues in this research topic.
      Speaker: Dr K. Glampedakis (University of Tuebingen)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee break Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

    • 11:00 11:30
      Selected Poster:The liquid-gas phase transition within the temperature-dependent DD-NLD mode 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      The equation of state (EOS) of dense matter is essential for modeling compact astrophysical objects and sets the conditions for the creation of chemical elements in the universe. To provide it, we use the generalized DD-NLD relativistic mean-?field model (RMF) with density-dependent nucleon-meson couplings and higher-order derivative couplings between nucleons and mesons. The model is extended to describe the properties of homogeneous nuclear and stellar matter at ?finite temperatures, covering the full range of isospin asymmetries from neutron matter to symmetric and proton matter. The properties of the liquid-gas phase transition for sub-saturation densities and not too high temperatures are studied in comparison to the standard RMF descriptions. Furthermore critical lines and points in the phase diagram can be extracted, and the general features of the phase transitions can be explored.

      Speaker: Sofija Antic (GSI)
    • 11:30 12:00
      Selected Poster: Thermodynamic Geodesics of a Supermassive Reissner-Nordström Black Hole 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      Abstract: Starting from a Geometrothermodynamics metric for the space of thermodynamic equilibrium states in the mass representation, numerical techniques are used to analyse the thermodynamic geodesics of a supermassive Reissner-Nordström black hole in isolation. Appropriate constraints are obtained by taking into account the processes of Hawking radiation and Schwinger pair-production. It turns out that the relation which the geodesics establish between the electric charge and entropy of the black hole extremises changes in the black hole's mass.

      Speaker: Christine Farrugia
    • 12:00 12:30
      Selected Poster 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      Speaker: Vasiliy Dommes (Ioffe Institute)
    • 12:30 14:30
      Lunch 2h Cantinas (University of Coimbra)


      University of Coimbra

    • 14:30 16:00
      NS-NS and BH-NS coalescing binaries 1h 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      Speaker: Dr T. Font (University of Valencia)
    • 16:00 16:30
      Coffee break Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Atrium North, 3rd floor

      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

    • 16:30 18:00
      Bulk & Shear Viscosities in Dense Quark Matter 1h 30m AD1


      Department of Physics (University of Coimbra)

      I will review and explain calculations of bulk and shear
      viscosity in various phases of dense quark matter, in unpaired quark
      matter as well as in color-superconducting phases such as the
      color-flavor locked phase. I will discuss and interpret the results,
      which are relevant for instance for the r-mode instability in rotating
      stars and thus are measurable, at least indirectly, through
      astrophysical observations.

      Speaker: Dr A. Schmitt (University of Southampton)