Oct 3 – 6, 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone
TONIGHT'S DINNER IS AT LA ROTONDE RESTAURANT, APERITIF AT 19h30. Map at Registration desk or on front page indico

Payment Options

The Fee is 300 CHF for the full registration, including a reduced price for the Workshop dinner and 250 CHF for the fee without the Workshop dinner.

The fee includes all breaks, lunches, the Reception and the Workshop dinner.

Payment may be made in one of three ways

  • Credit card
  • Bank transfer
  • CERN InterDepartmental Transfer (TID) from a CERN account

NOTE - Cash is not recommended but accepted at Registration.

Please note that your registration status is automatically updated as PAID only if you use the online epayment method by credit card. All other methods require manual updating of the conference account by the Secretariat and do not appear immediately.

* Credit Card

Payment by credit card is done online within your registration. Please choose "e-payment" when you fill in your registration form, or if you want to proceed with the e-payment later choose "Modify my registration" (in the main menu) and then "e-payment".

Please note that payment with Visa and Mastercard will incur (to you)  charges of around 2.5% and around 3.7% with American Express.

* Bank Transfer

The following reference has imperatively to be mentioned: ECFA2016

and the name of every person for whom the fee is being paid. Please make sure that you include the cost of bank fees such that the precise fee amount reaches the conference account below:

Bank  UBS
Account 0240-FP100541.3
IBAN CH66 0024 0240 FP10 0541 3



Through a CERN team account using EDH edh.cern.ch

In the TID form the supplier is Dawn Hudson and you are the client.

The supplier budget code to send the money is 34944. The activity code is 87G.

In the TITLE FIELD, please mention ECFA2016 and THE NAME OF EVERY PERSON WHOSE FEE IS BEING PAID IN THE TID (very important)