Oct 10 – 12, 2016
Europe/Zurich timezone

It has been proposed to convert the 200 MeV S-band electron linac CALIFES, currently being part of the CLIC Test Facility 3 (CTF3), into a new general stand alone electron beam facility at CERN. 

The foreseen use of such a facility is not linked to any particular project or technology. On the contrary we seek input and ideas from the widest possible user community about its use. This workshop is organised to explore the potential accelerator R&D programme at such a facility. The purpose is 1) to collect ideas, suggestions and proposals for accelerator R&D topics, including 2) ideas for possible improvements of the beam line itself beyond its initial configuration. It is also important to explore possible collaborations, complementarity or overlaps with other European electron beam facilities.  

For the purpose of the workshop the period 2017-2021 will be considered, following the completion of the overall CTF3 programme by the end of 2016. 

The workshop will be divided into a number of sessions, led by a session chair :

  1. High gradient research (Walter Wuensch, CERN)

  2. Beam instrumentation (Thibaut Lefevre, CERN)

  3. Light source related R&D (Sven Reiche, PSI)

  4. THz radiation (Massimo Petrarca, University of Rome "La Sapienza" and Roma1- INFN)

  5. Impedance measurements (Benoit Salvant, CERN)

  6. Plasma wakefield acceleration (Erik Adli, University of Oslo)

  7. Radiation tests (Markus Brugger, CERN)

  8. Other ideas, including for long term facility improvements (Roberto Corsini, CERN)

  9. Education and training (Carsten Welsch, University of Liverpool).

The workshop will be followed up by a summary document, including and based on short written reports from the session chairs, covering the  ideas, proposals and discussions in the respective sessions. This will provide a basis for CERN's decisions about a potential implementation of the facility.   

Participants who would like to present ideas or proposal for CALIFES are encouraged to contact the session chairs listed above, with CC to the local organizing committee "CALIFES-LOC@cern.ch" (click on the session chair name above). 

We are looking for the widest possible participation and encourage in particular the involvement of young colleagues.  

503/1-001 - Council Chamber
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International programme committee: R.Aleksan (CEA and Tiara), R.Assmann (DESY), P.Burrows (Oxford and ATF2), F.Bordry (CERN), J.Clarke (STFC Daresbury), A.Faus-Golfe (Valenicia/IFIC and ATF2), M.Ferrario (LNF), M.Hogan (SLAC and FACET),  E.Gschwendtner (CERN and AWAKE), L.Rivkin (PSI/EPFL), R.Ruber (Uppsala), A. Stocchi (LAL), M.Vretenar (CERN). 

Local Organising Committee: E.Adli (Chairman), A.Augier, R.Corsini, S. Stapnes, F. Tecker, W.Farabolini

Registration for this event is currently open.