Radosław Ryblewski
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS)
The physical scenario for ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions is analyzed
where the early dynamics of the system is dominated by the purely transverse
hydrodynamic expansion (transverse hydrodynamics [1,2,3]). The local
isotropization of the system in the momentum space is described in the
schematic way with the help of the Landau matching conditions. The
isotropization process is followed by the fast hadronization implemented by
THERMINATOR. The model is used to calculate the transverse-momentum spectra,
the elliptic flow, and the HBT radii of pions and kaons. A good agreement
between the model results and the data is obtained [4].
Our results indicate that the evolution of matter at the early stages of the
heavy-ion collisions may proceed far from the local thermal equilibrium. In
fact, the purely transverse expansion favors fast building of the transverse
radial and elliptic flow. This, in turn, helps to reduce the timescales
characterizing the expansion and leads to good description of the HBT radii.
[1] A. Bialas, M. Chojnacki, and W. Florkowski, Phys.Lett. B661:325-329, 2008.
[2] M. Chojnacki and W. Florkowski, Acta Phys.Polon. B39:721-738, 2008.
[3] R. Ryblewski and W. Florkowski, Phys.Rev.C77:064906, 2008
[4] R. Ryblewski and W. Florkowski, in preparation
Primary authors
Radosław Ryblewski
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS)
Wojciech Florkowski
(IFJ PAN Krakow, UJK Kielce)