Oct 14 – 17, 2009
Europe/Zurich timezone
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There will be two excursions on the morning of Friday, October 16th:

Jura Hike - Col de la Faucille Tour of LHC and ALICE

We have planned a leisure hike from the mountain pass Col de la Faucille to the nearby mountain peak Petit Montrond. This excursion will obviously depend on the weather conditions.

In good weather it offers very nice views of Lake Geneva and the whole valley on the one side and the Jura mountains on the other side. If we are lucky to have perfect weather, it offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the Alps.

  • We start at 8:30 from the CERN main building, go to the Col de la Faucille by car(s) (about 30min drive). Park by the La Mainaz restaurant/hotel.
  • There are several possible routes to the Petit Montrond, ranging from rather simple (paved road on the Jura side) to more challenging (hiking path on the Lake Geneva side).
  • The plan is to get to the peak, spend some time there and be back at La Mainaz no later than 12:30 for lunch.
  • Back at 14:00 in Meyrin for the session.

Hiking Maps:

Weather conditions:

It appears that the weather Friday morning will be cold and clear.

Contact persons:
- Adam Kisiel - kisiel@if.pw.edu.pl

8:30 Assemble in building 40 room S2D-01

8:45 Presentation on LHC status by Roger Bailey, member of the LHC Commissioning Team (slides)

9:30 Leave by bus to SM-18

9:45 Guided tour of the SM-18 Superconducting Magnet Test Facility

10:45 Leave SM-18

11:00 Arrive at ALICE

Then we split into groups, who will do, in turns:

  1. Visit into the cavern to see the ALICE detector
  2. Visit to the ALICE control room with short presentations by detector experts
  3. Visit to the ALICE exposition

...and at the end, a short presentation on the status of the ALICE experiment.

13:00 Return to CERN

Contact persons:
- Luciano Ramello - Luciano.Ramello@cern.ch
- Despina Chatzifotiadou - Despina.Chatzifotiadou@cern.ch - CERN tel. 161183