Collectivity in p+p
- Ullrich Heinz (The Ohio State University)
Nicolas Bock Garcia
(Dept. Phys., High Energy Phys. Grp.-Ohio State University-Unknow)
16/10/2009, 15:00
Correlations from Small Sources: Theory & Experiment
Two pion correlation functions are used to extract source sizes from events at sqrt(s) 14 TeV in proton-proton collisions.
Gideon Alexander
(Tel-Aviv University)
16/10/2009, 15:30
Correlations from Small Sources: Theory & Experiment
The time scale ∆t parameter, which appears in the Bose-Einstein Correlations (BEC)
and treated in term of the Heisenberg uncertainty relations, is reexamined. Arguments
are given for the role of ∆t as a measure of the particles’ emission time rather than
representing the strength property of the correlated particles. In heavy ion collisions ∆t
measures the emission time duration of the...
Tamas Novak
(MTA RMKI KFKI - Budapest, KRF - Gyöngyös)
16/10/2009, 16:00
Correlations from Small Sources: Theory & Experiment
Bose-Einstein correlations of pairs of identical charged pions produced in hadronic Z decays are analyzed in terms of various parametrizations. A good description is achieved using a Levy stable distribution in conjunction with a hadronization model having highly correlated conguration and momentum space, the tau-model. Using these results, the time evolution of particle emission in two-jet...
Tom Humanic
(Ohio State University)
16/10/2009, 16:50
Correlations from Small Sources: Theory & Experiment
Femtoscopy measures space-time characteristics of the particle emitting source created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. It is argued that collective behavior of matter (radial flow) produces specific femtoscopic signatures. Some of them, like the mT dependence of the pion "HBT radii" can be explained by the alternative scenario of temperature gradients. We identify the ones that can...
Jean-Yves Ollitrault
(Institut de Physique Theorique - CEA Saclay)
16/10/2009, 17:20
Investigating Dynamics and the EOS with Correlations
Hydrodynamical models have generally failed to describe interferometry radii
measured at RHIC. In order to investigate this "HBT puzzle",
we carry out a systematic study of HBT radii in ultrarelativistic
heavy-ion collisions within a two-dimensional transport model.
We compute the out and side radii as a function of the transverse
momentum for various values of the Knudsen number, which...
Boris Tomášik
(Univerzita Mateja Bela - Banska Bystrica - Slovakia)
16/10/2009, 17:50
Beyond Gaussians: Extracting Detailed Size and Shape Information
We calculate the images of particle-emitting sources which might result from the scenario where fireball fragments at the phase transition. This can happen due to sudden appearance of the bulk viscisity or via spinodal decomposition. We discuss the constraints on the fragmented source from data by PHENIX collaboration. We also study the images which result from summing up of many randomly...
Grzegorz Wilk
(The Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw, Poland)
16/10/2009, 18:20
Correlations from Small Sources: Theory & Experiment
Recently experiments in high-energy nuclear collisions have observed fluctuations of multiplicity which exhibit spectacular and unexpected features as functions of the
number of participants (in particular they show that the scaled variance of the multiplicity distribution, Var(N)/<N>, increases when proceeding from the central towards peripheral collisions, i.e., when the number of...