Search for flavor changing neutral currents in rare top decays

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Poster STARS2017


Dr Ricardo Gaitan (FES-Cuatitlan UNAM, Estado de Mexico, Mexico)


Models beyond the Standard Model with extra scalars have been highly motivated by the recent discovery of a Higgs boson. The Two Higgs Doublet Model Type III considers the most general case for the scalar potential, allowing mixing between neutral CP-even and CP-odd scalar fields. This work presents the results of the study on the t → cγ, t→ c Z, and t → c gluon decays at one loop level if neutral flavor changing is generated by top-charm-Higgs coupling given by the Yukawa matrix.


Dr Estela Garces (Instituto de Fisica, UNAM, C. Mexico, Mexico) Dr José Halim Montes de Oca (FES-Cuatitlan UNAM, Estado de Mexico, Mexico) Dr Ricardo Gaitan (FES-Cuatitlan UNAM, Estado de Mexico, Mexico) Dr Roberto Martínez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota D.C., Colombia)

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