Laser Ion Sources Workshop
Salle des thèses
UPMC - Campus des Cordeliers
Lasers are key for state of the art ion sources and have been successfully used to provide exotic ion beams in many facilities world-wide. These sources provide unmatched selectivity in multi-step resonant ionization by wavelength-tuneable lasers at ISOL facilities and have opened up a whole range of exciting physics studies.
Within the European network LA³NET several of the 19 early stage researchers have been carrying out research into beyond state-of-the-art laser ion sources. This international consortium joins more than 30 partner organizations including universities, research centres and private companies. In addition to training targeting the network’s Fellows, LA3NET is also providing a series of Topical Workshops that benefit the wider scientific community.
For the particular workshop the network joined forces with RESIST, which is a work package within the EU ENSAR-2 project of Horizon 2020. Its goal is to optimize and refine laser techniques and technologies used at both hot cavity facilities as well as ion guide-based facilities.
This LA³NET and RESIST Topical Workshop is focused on techniques using lasers for particle resonant ionization. The workshop will cover the science and technology including:
- Pre-LIST techniques to enhance ion beam purity
- Advancements in efficiency, selectivity and spectral resolution
- New concepts and development of laser technologies for RILIS
Each topic area will consist of invited talks of 30 minutes and contributed talks of 20 minutes duration. All participants in the workshop are invited to use the 'Submit a new abstract' link to upload their abstracts.
Abstract submission deadline 2nd September 2016.