The APEL (Accounting Processor for Event Logs) is a CPU usage accounting tool currently deployed within the EGEE and WLCG projects. It publishes accounting records generated on each Grid client site into a centralised repository at a Grid Operations Centre by using R-GMA (Relational Grid Monitoring Architecture) as the records transport mechanism and for access from a GUI web tool. Apache ActiveMQ messaging broker has been deployed as an alternative transport layer in common with other EGEE operational tools. This will not only replace R-GMA for APEL but will provide the transport layer for other accounting systems to publish relevant accounting data to a central repository. This will give NGIs flexibility in their choice of accounting. The robust and secure (PKI and SSL) delivery of accounting record messages at an NGI level and between NGI accounting instances and a central records cache will be achieved with configurable APEL publishers and ActiveMQ message brokers.
Project(s) or EGEE activity presenting the demo or poster (project or activity names only)
EGEE SA1 Grid Operations, Support and Management Enabling
Special requirements other than the set up mentioned in the CfA text.