Sep 21 – 25, 2009
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Europe/Zurich timezone
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE's grid computing infrastructure today supports thousands of researchers and scientists around the world, helping them to meet their e-science challenges. EGEE'09, the final conference of EGEE, will bring together researchers, businesses, collaborating projects, developers and decision makers to realise a sustainable future for European grid computing, through the European Grid Initiative (EGI). Driven by the needs and requirements of the research community, EGI will enable the next leap forward in research infrastructures, supporting collaborative scientific endeavour across the European Research Area. The EGEE project (Enabling Grids for E-sciencE – is funded by the European Commission and its third phase, EGEE-III, begun on May 1st 2008. The project operates a production grid infrastructure including more than 200 sites across countries for the benefit of a wide range of user communities. Operating on a global scale, this flagship European project provides access to a team of grid experts with proven deployment experience. The EGEE’09 conference will take place at the hotel Barcelo Sants in Barcelona between 21-25 of September, 2009, with an expected participation of more than 600 delegates. More information will be available soon on the EGEE'09 website:
Hotel Barcelo Sants