Although the Spanish National Grid Initiative is officially starting in July 2009, it has a long trajectory as a consequence of the participation in numerous general-purpose and application-area specific Grid infrastructure projects, such as DATAGRID, CrossGrid, EGEE,-II,-III, EELA-1/-2, int.eu.grid, DORII, EUFORIA, WLCG, etc. and a large activity at the national level. The main actors have been organised in the form of research networks since 8 years ago and have progressed strongly in the last 2 years with the start-up of the Spanish Network for e-Science.
This session is a window for the exchange of experiences at the international level. The session will cover middleware, infrastructure organisation and main applications, developed in the frame of the groups working at the Spanish National Grid Initiative.
Session Description (include details of proposed agenda, potential speakers and expected outcomes)
The session will start with the organisation of the NGI and its sustainability, followed by presentations on the infrastructure and on the specific services and middleware components, ending with the applications. The potential speakers are: the NGI coordinator (Isabel Campos), the Spanish Network for e-Science coordinator (Vicente Hernández), the applications and middleware coordinators of such network (Ignacio Blanquer and Ignacio Martín) and other selected speakers from specific applications.
Project(s) or EGEE activity presenting the demo or poster (project or activity names only)
The session would be organised and managed jointly by the Spanish National Grid Initiative and the Spanish Network for e-Science (www.e-ciencia.es) .
The presentation will be given by members of the Spanish NGI, the Spanish Network for e-Science, and other international Grid projects with the presence of Spanish partners as key players.
Special requirements other than the set up mentioned in the CfA text.
No special room requirements are needed. Attendance is expected on the order of 40-60 depending on the other concurrent sessions from the rest of the programme.
Please indicate your preferred day to give a demo.
2hrs (one single session)