21–25 Sept 2009
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Europe/Zurich timezone

EnviMon – data acquisition and processing application for Environment monitoring

Not scheduled
Hotel Barcelo Sants

Hotel Barcelo Sants



Dr Veaceslav Sidorenco (RENAM)

Please indicate your preferred day to give a demo.

During poster session

Special requirements other than the set up mentioned in the CfA text.

No special requirements


The aim of EnviMon is to organize data acquisition and processing for Environment state monitoring. A nation-wide distributed set of sensors are polled from central station placed at main station of the State Hydrometeo Service of Moldova (SHMS). The application provides data collection, filtering, storage and processing in order to produce synthetic reports and data that can be used as table data or put on geoinformation systems maps. The application is developing by MD-Grid NGI specialists from Moldova in collaboration with specialists from Romania and Hungary participating in SEE-GRID-SCI project and using SEE-GRID infrastructure. The application can be used both autonomously and as part of GreenView grid application, that also is developing in frame of SEE-GRID-SCI project. The aim of the GreenView application is a refinement of surface- and vegetation parameters in SEE region based on satellite images.

Project(s) or EGEE activity presenting the demo or poster (project or activity names only)






Mr Alexandr Golubev (RENAM) Dr Dorian Gorgan (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca) Ms Irina Borta (SHMS) Dr Peter Bogatencov (RENAM)

Presentation materials