Sep 21 – 25, 2009
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Europe/Zurich timezone

BEinGRID components: Methodology and SLA example

Sep 23, 2009, 3:10 PM
Barcelona C (Hotel Barcelo Sants)

Barcelona C

Hotel Barcelo Sants



Igor Rosenberg (Atos Origin)


The talk will focus on the methodology followed in the BEinGRID project. The project offered in a first wave 18 Business Experiments which demonstrated that Grid technology could be applied to solve business problems. These problems have been analysed in various transversal activities, which extracted generic requirements, then abstract capabilities, then software design patterns. This then lead to the implementation of software components, which are specifically created to solve the initial business problems. A second wave of 6 Business Experiments validated the components by applying in new situations. The exemplary case of the SLA business needs will be presented.

Presentation materials