Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

21–25 Sept 2009
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Europe/Zurich timezone

Towards the new EGI governance model

22 Sept 2009, 14:30
Barcelona C (Hotel Barcelo Sants)

Barcelona C

Hotel Barcelo Sants



Van Rijn Arjen (NIKHEF)


In July this year the EGI Collaboration has been formed on the basis of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), that by now has been signed by 29 participants (27 NGIs and 2 EIROs). This MoU paves the way for the establishment of a legal entity (a foundation under Dutch law called ""), that will in particular be responsible for coordinating and facilitating grid activities in Europe. All signatories to the MoU are likely to become a participant in this foundation. The design of the governance structure will be presented, as is currently being discussed within the EGI Collaboration on the basis of the draft statutes for the legal entity.

Presentation materials