Session Description (include details of proposed agenda, potential speakers and expected outcomes)
The session will include an overview presentation on the current activity of the GO as well as the prospects for an SSC. It will be followed by a set of short presentations from the community (~8 presentations). It will conclude with a roundtable discussion of the immediate and longer-term future scientific activity and structure of the GO.
Project(s) or EGEE activity presenting the demo or poster (project or activity names only)
Please indicate your preferred day to give a demo.
EGEE GO (but also expect participation from operations, middleware and HEP)
The creation of the Grid Observatory (GO) cluster in EGEE-III contributes to involving the Computer Science community in the production grid. The goal of the GO cluster is to integrate the collection of data on the behaviour of the EGEE Grid and EGEE users with the development of grid models.
The evolution towards an independent self-supporting community required by the EGI scheme is a major challenge for the segment of the Computer Science community involved or interacting with the GO, given its short history. On the other hand, the GO achievements - data portal and scientific visibility - are strong encouragements to continue and expand the support to the exploration of the computer science/production grid interfaces.
This session will provide an opportunity for those already involved, as well as those considering participating into a Grid Observatory/Computer Science SSC for EGI to present their motivations, expectations, and possible contributions.
Special requirements other than the set up mentioned in the CfA text.