Special requirements other than the set up mentioned in the CfA text.
Session Description (include details of proposed agenda, potential speakers and expected outcomes)
Agenda (Tentative):
General revision of state of the art in relation with fusion applications.
Advances in fusion applications.
Advances in data management in fusion.
Workflows with fusion applications.
Building a Fusion-SSC
Speakers: Francisco Castejón, Igor Semenov, Marcin Plociennik, Antonio Gómez, José Vázquez Poletti. Others (TBD)
Outcomes: Mayor revision of the state of art of applications and data management in fusion. Works on Fusion-SSC.
The usage of grid infrastructures for fusion research has provided interesting results that
open themselves new lines of research. There is an important number of applications
running in the grid with different schemes and structures, which has allowed to gain
experience in porting different types of codes. For instance, we can find serial
applications, PIC codes and optimisation procedures based upon genetic algorithms. The
use of the grid for data management is totally new in fusion and the results of this pilot
experience will be shown in this session. Finally, some experiment of complex work-flow
between applications running in different architectures will be presented.
The session will be used to coordinate the activities to build a Fusion-SSC.
Francisco Castejón, Antonio Gómez, Miguel Cárdenas, Rafael Mayo (CIEMAT), Igor Semenov, Nikolay Marusov (Kurchatov Inst.), Marcin Plociennik (PSNC), Isabel Campos (CSIC), José Vázquez Poletti (UCM).
Please indicate your preferred day to give a demo.
4 hrs
Project(s) or EGEE activity presenting the demo or poster (project or activity names only)
Projects: EGEE-III, EUFORIA, EELA-II, Ibercivis.