Project(s) or EGEE activity presenting the demo or poster (project or activity names only)
This demonstration will describe how to integrate the monitoring of diverse VO specific services into a global framework for service monitoring, the Service Level Status (SLS).
SLS is a framework developed by CERN/IT that allows to group services, and to report their status and their availability. For each service thresholds can be defined to trigger alarms of increasing severity. Historical data available in the SLS database can be retrieved via a web and a programmatic interface.
In this demonstration we will show how to configure low level sensors (i.e. LeMon at CERN, or nagios in other computing centres) for VO specific services and how to aggregate the metrics into SLS. The modularity of SLS allows providing different views for different end-users.
The LHC VOs are already actively profiting of SLS to monitor the status of their complex and heterogeneous services in daily operations. SLS can be the service monitoring solution for other VOs as well.
Special requirements other than the set up mentioned in the CfA text.
We don't have any special requirements