21–25 Sept 2009
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Europe/Zurich timezone

MPI Working Group Proceedings

22 Sept 2009, 12:25
Sarrià (Hotel Barcelo Sants)


Hotel Barcelo Sants



Mr Jeroen Engelberts (SARA)


The current MPI Working Group has been setup with two goals:

  1. Find out why so few sites are supporting MPI.
  2. Recommend upon increasing the versatility of MPI (or multi-core jobs in general) on the EGEE infrastructure.

Along the way, two other issues have become part of the MPI WG focus:

a. The state of the current MPI install mechanism on gLite.
b. The future support of MPI within EGEE.

These goals and issues will become part of a recommendation document of which the final version will be prepared shortly.

Primary author

Presentation materials