Project(s) or EGEE activity presenting the demo or poster (project or activity names only)
INFNGrid - SA1
Special requirements other than the set up mentioned in the CfA text.
The Distributed Grid Accounting System (DGAS) provides a scalable architecture for accounting of Grid and local CPU and storage usage. In DGAS each site can host a local repository of the own accounting records, the so-called site-level Home Location Register (HLR). A HLR hierarchy can be defined to gather selected sets of usage records.
We present various DGAS deployment scenarios that an NGI can adopt. For example, a NGI-level HLR can be set-up to collect data from the relevant sites, and in parallel, VO-level HLRs can be configured, so that all relevant VO records are separately maintained in dedicated repository. In addition to this, regional HLR can be possibly configured to collect usage records from a subset of NGI sites belonging to a regional Grid.
Access authorization policies are highly customizable, and pricing of the utilized resources is available. DGAS data, can be plotted, also historically, through the HLRmon portal, which supports navigation depending on the user role