Sep 21โ€‰โ€“โ€‰25, 2009
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Europe/Zurich timezone


Services for sustainable training communities in EGI

Sep 24, 2009, 2:30โ€ฏPM
Hotel Barcelo Sants

Hotel Barcelo Sants



While researchers may be aware of the benefits to their work in using grid services, the first steps can be a daunting process. The building of ever larger user communities requires that assistance be provided at this initial stage to such potential users.
This important role is fulfilled by the grid training communities, who are able to assist the users in fully understanding the complexities of the grid, and providing the support required in inducting them in the use of grid services.
The training communities are currently well prepared for the future European infrastructure environment, due in part to the already federated training structure which exists.
The session will provide a platform for some of the national training teams to detail the services they provide now with expectations for the future, and also an opportunity for communities to network with the training groups.

Presentation materials

Gergely Sipos (Mr.)
9/24/09, 2:30โ€ฏPM
Emidlo Giorgio (Unknown)
9/24/09, 2:45โ€ฏPM
David Fergusson (Unknown)
9/24/09, 3:00โ€ฏPM
Robin John Mcconnell (College of Science and Engineering - University of Edinburgh)
9/24/09, 3:15โ€ฏPM
9/24/09, 3:35โ€ฏPM
Building timetable...