There is a strong collaboration between EGEE and EDGeS in order to extend the EGEE infrastructure with volunteer and institutional desktop grids (DG) and to support EGEE users to migrate their application to the integrated EGEE-DG (EDGeS) infrastructure. The goal of this joint EGEE-EDGeS session is to show to the EGEE user community how this integrated infrastructure works, what are the benefits of using it and how their applications can be ported and run on this infrastructure. The session also explains how individual VOs can extend their VO resources with connected DGs. EDGeS will significantly contribute to the future of
sustainable grid computing in Europe. This topic will also be addessed in the session. Finally, related projects (e.g. IberCivis, EELA) that use EDGeS technology will present their experience with EDGeS.
Session 1 (120 min)
Chair: Vangelis Floros
. Ad Emmen: Desktop Grids and their role in eScience and Industrial
. Vangelis Floros: Exploitation of the EDGeS infrastructure by the
EGEE Scientific Communities - Current Status and Prospects
. Peter Kacsuk: Connecting EGEE VOs to DG systems by the EDGeS
bridge services
. Tamas Kiss: Porting EGEE applications to the EDGeS infrastructure
. Oleg Lodygensky: Connecting XtremWeb DG systems to EGEE
. Pawel Plaszczak (GridwiseTech): AdHoc: share your data and
applications in three seconds
Session 2 (120 min)
Chair: Peter Kacsuk
. Francisco Brasileiro: Bridging OurGrid and gLite using EDGeS 3G
. Javier Palacios Bermejo: Porting the PLINK application to EDGeS
(genomic analysis)
. Alexander Afanasiev, Mikhail Posypkin, Oleg Sukhoroslov: Solving
Large-scale Optimization Problems on Service and Desktop Grids
. Bernhard Schott: Enabling Desktop Grids to collaborate with
structured Grid infrastructures and to support applications of higher
. Francisco Castejon: Interconnection of IberCivis with EDGeS
. Naghmeh Ramezani Ivaki: Monitoring and benchmarking the EDGeS
. Vincent Bloch: Increasing WISDOM resources using EDGeS
. Ugo Becciani and Tamas Kiss: Porting the VisIVO application to