Sep 21โ€‰โ€“โ€‰25, 2009
Hotel Barcelo Sants
Europe/Zurich timezone


Technical Plenary: Community Access to Production Resources

Sep 23, 2009, 9:00โ€ฏAM
Hotel Barcelo Sants

Hotel Barcelo Sants



The communities that use production infrastructures are critical in driving their development in order to meet their evolving needs. The infrastructure delivered within the EGEE projects have all been developed with the close involvement of the application communities they are aiming to serve. Starting with the High Energy Physics community to support the data analysis challenges presented by the Large Hadron Collider, the user community has expanded until within EGEE-III support is provided for the Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Astronomy & Astrophyiscs, Computational Chemistry, Fusion and the Grid Observatory.

The first keynote presentation will describe how the pioneering communities currently using the EGEE infrastructure will be transitioning to EGI through the establishment of Specialised Support Centres. The second keynote presentation will describe how the TeraGrid project in the USA has increased access to its infrastructure through the provision of Science Gateways โ€“ which provide web based access to their computing and storage resources.

Presentation materials

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Cal Loomis (CNRS/LAL)
9/23/09, 9:00โ€ฏAM
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