This session is aimed at users, managers and developers of EGEE resources. In this session a summary of the Grid Security Vulnerability issue handling and Risk Assessment process which has been carried out since the start of EGEE-II will be presented. Plans for how to continue handling Grid Security Vulnerabilities after transition to EGI will also be presented. The examination of software using vulnerability assessment techniques will also be described. Work defining security policies for EGEE, WLCG and several other Grids aimed at establishing trust between the various parties will be presented, along with a summary of the current status and future plans for transition and continuation in EGI.
Linda Ann Cornwall
(Particle Physics-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory-STFC - Science &)
9/21/09, 3:10โฏPM
Elisa Heymann
(Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
9/21/09, 3:50โฏPM